Page 34 of Just Believe (The Reluctant Heart 6)
Chapter Eleven
I wished PJ hadn’t insisted on meeting me at the restaurant. It meant she planned on going home alone. It was understandable, but disappointing. But I was still doing this on her terms.
For now.
When I entered the restaurant, the hostess brought me over to where PJ was seated. Unsurprisingly, she was dressed in her usual grim attire. If I’d picked you up, you could’ve changed into something more comfortable.
At least she looked happy to see me. That was a good sign. “Thanks for meeting me,” I said.
“I have a feeling you weren’t going to take no for an answer,” she replied.
“I’m a little more flexible than that,” I said.
She snickered. “Meaning you were willing to negotiate on the time or the menu?”
I nodded. “I guess Lizzy told you I can be…persistent.”
“I’ve already told you that Lizzy didn’t speak negatively about you. I have my own mind and was able to make such a determination all on my own. Not to burst your ego, but you’re not that difficult to read,” she said.
I cocked a brow. “Really? What am I thinking right now?” I wish we were at your place where I can show you how unreadable I am.
She blushed. “Maybe we should order our food instead of thinking of dessert.”
Damn. Did she really guess it?I wasn’t ashamed of my thoughts, but I didn’t want to scare her off, either.
“I know what I want,” I said, gazing at her beautiful face.
“Sometimes what you think you want right now isn’t really what you want later,” she said, not taking her eyes off the menu.
“Do you know what you want, PJ?”
She shook her head. “I’m still undecided.” PJ put the menu on the table and looked directly at me. “If there is a problem with my taking my time, then maybe this was a mistake.”
It was clear that neither of us were talking about burgers. I reached across the table and said, “I didn’t come here for dessert.”
“Why did you come?” she asked softly.
Good question.Sex was usually what motivated me. Since PJ and I weren’t having any, it had to be something else.
“I didn’t like the way things ended between us.” That was true.
“Neither did I,” she replied. “But we could’ve talked about it on the phone. There was no reason for you to fly fifteen-hundred miles to tell me that.”
“It’s the same. Besides, I wanted to see you again.” I felt her hand tense beneath mine, but she didn’t pull it away. Not this time. Words came to my lips that I couldn’t recall ever saying to anyone but my mother when I was young. But PJ deserved to hear them. “I’m sorry. I was wrong.”
“Did Lizzy explain everything to you?” she asked.
I shook my head. “Your reaction did that. I was hoping you could forgive me for being such an…”
“Ass?” I nodded and she continued, “I was an ass too, you know. I could’ve talked to you before booking my flight, but I didn’t.”
“Why did you change your plans, PJ? I thought you were enjoying your time in Lincoln.” With me.
Her slender fingers slipped from beneath mine, and she crossed her arms and looked away. These were details I wouldn’t have picked up on in a text or on a call. You can’t hide your feelings from me now.