Page 23 of Just Believe (The Reluctant Heart 6)
Please say no.
She was smiling from ear to ear. “You are. And we’re early too, so no crowds yet.” She opened the Jeep door and got out. “I’ve been dying to do this but thought I would be gone before I had the chance.”
I’ve seen enough wildlife with the moose, and thrilled that PJ didn’t encounter a bear during her hike either. But this place was going to be filled with families and I was hoping for a bit of adult alone time. Convincing her of that wasn’t going to be easy.
“We can do it later this week. No need to do it now,” I said. That look in her eyes reappeared, the one she had when I tried to bring her hiking. Ignoring it, like I hadn’t noticed, would be a total asshole move. And I wasn’t going to walk away and let her deal alone with whatever it was either. I hope I’m not going to regret asking, but here it goes. I took her hand in mine again. “PJ, what’s wrong?”
“It has to be now,” she replied softly.
Not really an answer. And it didn’t explain why she looked so…sad. It’s just a bear show. “Why right now?” I asked.
“Because…I’m flying home tonight,” she stated in such a low tone I barely heard it.
And wished I hadn’t.
It was like a punch in the gut. She couldn’t leave now. We were just getting to know each other. It’s not like I had any major plans for the next couple of days with her, but I had envisioned us…spending it together.
“That’s…sudden. I thought you were going to stay the week.”
She avoided looking me in the eyes and stared off into the distant mountains. “I was, but…but it’s probably better I go now.”
This is when I would normally cut my losses and drop it. Should I care why the sudden change of plans? No. Did I care? Yes, and I wasn’t exactly sure why either. There was no time to try figuring that out. This was about her, not me.
“The weather is perfect, so it’s not that. I haven’t been a total ass, so I’m hoping it’s not me. That leads me to suspect Lizzy said something yesterday to upset you. What did she say?” That last part was almost a growl. It had been one thing for PJ to be out with all the ladies, but just Lizzy meant trouble. Lizzy had a way of opening her mouth when she shouldn’t.
“She said…well…it really wasn’t her fault. She was trying to…”
“Interfere in my life. I get that,” I snarled.
That wasn’t something I would tolerate from family, never mind from one of Joyelle’s friends. I was having a hard time controlling my temper. I was pissed and still hadn’t learned what the fuck had she said to PJ to make her want to bolt? Was she trying to keep us apart? What would she gain from that? I wasn’t interested in Lizzy, and I had thought we were on the same page. Now I’m not so sure.
Through gritted teeth, I said, “If you don’t tell me, I’m going to get it out of Lizzy, and she’s not going to be thrilled when I do.”
PJ looked at me stunned. “What does that mean?”
“Means she had no right to be talking to you about me. She might be Joyelle’s friend, but I won’t stand by and let anyone spread gossip.” I wasn’t about to say they were lies, because I knew my reputation. That still didn’t give Lizzy the right to discuss it.
“You’ve got it all wrong,” she said, her tone, no longer soft and sweet. “She wasn’t trashing you. She was bragging about what an awesome guy you are.” PJ pulled her hand from mine and glared at me; her eyes filled with fire. “I think she misjudged you.” She snarled, “You really are the ass that you warned me about.”
PJ turned and started to walk away. “Where are you going?”
“To my hotel,” she snapped.
“Let me give you a ride,” I said, but PJ ignored my offer and kept walking.
I had no idea what to say at this point. PJ seemed to have her mind made up. She was leaving and on top of that, she was pissed at me.
It wasn’t Lizzy who fucked this up. It was me. I had jumped to the wrong conclusion and I badmouthed someone PJ obviously had befriended. Fixing this wasn’t going to be as easy as rushing after her and telling her I’m sorry. Those two little words wouldn’t change the fact that PJ was right, and she shouldn’t waste any more time standing here with me.
I am what I am. An asshole to the core.
Even though I knew I had to let her go, I stood there until I saw her cross the street and enter her hotel. There was nothing left to do but head back to the camp.
When I arrived, the women were standing shoulder to shoulder in a line, fuming, and my brothers weren’t running interference.
Would have been nice to get a heads-up text about this. Thanks, guys. I see who has my back.
Lizzy stepped towards me, but Reanna said, “Let me.”