Page 2 of Just Believe (The Reluctant Heart 6)
“I was just about to head back down to my Jeep.” It was a hint for her to join me. She didn’t seem to catch on.
“I won’t keep you then,” she said.
I couldn’t imagine why she’d want to be alone in such a secluded spot. I tried a different tack.
“I was thinking it would be nice to have company on the hike back. Want to join me?” That was less subtle yet still non-threatening.
She looked around and said, “I’m not sure about hiking with a stranger.”
I chuckled. “Easily rectified. My name is Clark Heart. And for the record, it is still safer than hiking alone. There are wild animals in these woods.”
She didn’t seem concerned in the least. “I have pepper spray, which usually can scare off most two-and four-legged animals,” she said. “My name is PJ Wilson, and I guess your offer makes sense.”
I was relieved she agreed. As we made our way back to the trail, I figured I’d keep her mind off whatever it was that was troubling her. “What does PJ stand for?”
“Philomena Jane. I was named after both of my grandmothers. I tried other nicknames, but nothing seemed right. PJ kind of stuck.”
She didn’t look like a Philomena or a PJ. “I don’t think Phil would suit you either.”
She laughed. “It’s better than what my kid brother called me. Silly Philly. He would call me that anytime a date came to the house to take me out. It’s amazing I had any social life at all back then.”
“You’re right. PJ is much better.”
“I used to tell my parents that I was going to legally change my name when I became an adult.”
“What were you going to pick?” I asked, keep the small talk going.
“Anastasia. But my friends told me I should wait until I get married. Since you have to go through the hassle of changing all your legal documents then, might as well do it all at the same time.”
“You’re engaged?” That didn’t surprise me. She was stunning. Long, light brown hair, green eyes, and a body that was curvy in all the right places. But what asshole would let his girl be out hiking in the woods alone? Maybe he’s the reason she was crying.
“Nope. Not even dating,” she sighed.
That announcement shouldn’t affect me at all, but I was pleased to hear it. Not that it would change anything. When I knew she was safely delivered to her vehicle, we would part ways and never see each other again.
“How about you?” she asked.
“I’m not the marriage type,” I said.
PJ snorted. “Oh, you’re one of those.”
“You mean happy bachelor?”
“Nope. I mean a ‘grow old alone’ type. You’re handsome and seem like an okay guy. You should find someone and have a bunch of kids, maybe even a dog and a cat, too.”
I stopped on the trail and turned to look at her. “First of all, I’m allergic to cats. Kids are okay, when they’re someone else’s. And as far as getting married, let’s just say I’m not as nice as you might think. Plenty of people say I’m a total ass. Not great boyfriend material, never mind husband.”
She stared me directly in the eyes, crossed her arms, and said, “I think that’s what you want people to believe. Your eyes tell a different story.”
I laughed. “Maybe it’s all the fresh air getting to you, but I promise, if you got to know me, you’d see, I’m not all that nice.”
“Are you asking me out?”
That’s not what I meant at all. But I was concerned about her, and it might not be a bad idea to see her again just to make sure she was doing okay.
“I’m here camping with my siblings this week. But I wouldn’t mind slipping away for dinner,” I said.