Page 58 of Don't Quit (The Reluctant Heart 5)
Chapter Twenty-One
The last month felt like it flew by and with the family camping trip coming up in a few days, I’m sure that trend was only going to continue. Even though Clark and Lizzy were never going to be a couple, at least they both agreed to come and play nice. Lizzy and I even had gone out shopping for real camping supplies that would work for her. I have a feeling that she won’t be the only woman utilizing them either.
Being in my tiny apartment didn’t feel like home and I have no idea how I had been able to stay here as long as I had. Right now I couldn’t get out of here fast enough.
So much had changed. I have changed. Maybe it was the fact Richard and I had professed our love to each other after the brunch with his parents, or the fact everything seemed so much easier with him in my life. The hardest part was learning how to juggle work and time with Richard.
Richard had said I didn’t have to work, but I won’t ever put myself into a situation where I became financially dependent on another person again. That’s how I became trapped with Jarrod. I’d grown a lot since then and it was important for me to retain my newfound strength and independence. I’d worked damn hard to gain it. I know people who have been through something similar as I have, and they use it as an excuse never to succeed. I wasn’t going to let my past dictate my future. Richard’s advice didn’t hurt either. ‘Don’t quit on your dreams’. Anytime I started to have doubts, I said these words to myself. I might not have much, but everything I have now is from my own efforts.
It felt good to have closed that chapter in my life for good. When Richard stopped to help me that very first day, I never would’ve imagined where my story was headed. Every day was the same. I had no problem with that back then, but now, even though Richard and I are in a routine, nothing feels the same.
Every day is a new day. Every day is a good day.
I know even with how perfect things are between Richard and I, we will have our struggles like any couple. But we will face them together.
The struggle that needed to end now was this damn twin bed. Even now as I leaned back onto the pillow, I couldn’t help but chuckle. Making love on this thing was anything but easy. Richard didn’t fit on it by himself, and even when he took the bottom, there was hardly any room for my knees to straddle him. When the floor is a better option, you know changes must be made.
That’s exactly what this was, a change for the better. Even though I loved having my own place, it just meant Richard wasn’t staying at his. Why have two places to change the sheets all the time instead of one? Besides, he had a king bed that was like sleeping on a cloud. Funny, we were all over the place when we made love, but when we slept, it was as though we were glued to each other.
I was waiting for Richard to arrive because he insisted on helping me pack the boxes into my car. There wasn’t that much. Most of the stuff had come with the apartment. Anything additional I had purchased could stay except for clothes and personal items. Richard’s apartment had more than I’d ever need.
There was a knock on the door, and I dashed off the bed to greet him. When I opened it, Richard stood there was holding out a beautiful bouquet of assorted flowers.
“Thank you, they are beautiful. But you do know that we are moving me to your place today, right?”
He nodded. “That doesn’t mean I can’t bring you flowers.”
I took them and kissed him briefly. “Before we start hauling boxes down to the car, can we sit? I have a few things I wanted to talk to you about.”
“I’m yours for as long as you want me,” he said.
Then that’s forever.
When we were seated I said, “You’re not going to believe this, but I sold the truck today.”
“You did? That’s wonderful.”
“It is. And I even got more than I expected, too. Which is going right in the bank. There’s enough now to pay for at least four semesters of college and help cover living expenses at your apartment.”
Richard said, “We discussed this. I don’t need any money for my place. I own it.”
“Food, then. Because I also told you I am not living off you. And if you don’t accept something from me, I will go live with Lizzy instead.”
I meant it, but I didn’t want to live with Lizzy for real. I would have to travel into Boston every day for school and to see Richard. That would be too many hours in a day lost just traveling.
“Fine. You can help with the groceries. And you can also do the cooking. That’s all,” he said firmly.
“Also the housekeeping and we have a deal.”
“I hope you know you just put my housekeeper out of business,” he said.
For an instant I felt horrible, then I thought about it. “I’m sure you can give her a good recommendation. Besides, I’m not sure I want some woman in a French maid outfit around the house.”
Richard laughed. “She’s retired and almost sixty. She cleaned my house because I was never there so it was never dirty. I’m sure she will enjoy her time with her grandchildren now. But that French maid outfit does sound good. Is it too late to negotiate that into our deal?”
If I didn’t have more news to share with him, I would be more than happy to discuss some role playing. “Sorry, the contract is final. Now, I have something else to tell you.”