Page 47 of Don't Quit (The Reluctant Heart 5)
“It is,” I said. “I met his brother, spoke to his mother. That’s his name.”
“The police will be happy to hear that.”
“You’re not making any sense,” I said. “Why are you calling the police?” My patience had run out. Anything to do with Richard was important to me. “Just tell me!” I snapped.
“I’m trying. Richard Heart doesn’t own the car. A man named Tyler Barry does. It’s on the registration.”
Richard never mentioned that this wasn’t his vehicle. Normally I would check the registration when I tow it, but I broke protocol and didn’t check. “Are you positive?”
“Maybe he purchased it and hasn’t had a chance to register it. Or maybe it’s an old registration and he hasn’t cleaned out the car yet.” I was grasping for something that would make sense.
“Or maybe it’s stolen.”
“Deno, Richard has money. Heck, his other car is a McLaren,” I said, defending him.
“You mean his other stolen vehicle?” Deno asked.
“Deno, I am telling you, Richard is not in possession of any stolen vehicles,” I said firmly.
“I sure as hell hope not, because if so, that puts me in a very awkward position. We might be friends, but I’m not going to jail just ‘cuz you chose to hang out with a crook.”
“Please, Deno, give me twenty-four hours to find out what’s going on. If I can’t get a logical explanation from Richard, I will not stop you from calling the police.”
“I don’t like this,” he replied.
“Deno, I will take full responsibility if there is anything illegal going on.” I had no idea why I was willing to back Richard like this, but my gut said this was all just a misunderstanding.
“If I don’t hear from you by ten tomorrow morning, I’m calling the cops. Got it?” he asked gruffly.
“Thank you, Deno. I owe you.”
“You can thank me by doing your job next time and checking the registration.”
He ended the call and I sat in my truck trying to think of how to approach the topic with Richard. There wasn’t time to dance around the question. Deno wasn’t fooling, he would absolutely call the police. That would be a lot more embarrassing for Richard than any question I might ask.
Calling Richard right now wasn’t a good idea. I already knew he didn’t have time to talk. But he could read my text when he was free.
I tossed my phone on the passenger’s seat and headed onto the road to start my day. I was already behind schedule, and now completely distracted. I wished I could believe that my day wasn’t about to get worse, but I wasn’t that confident. I wonder what else he hasn’t told me.
Deno was right. We do have one hell of a mess and I’m smack in the middle of it all.
And I thought the only thing I needed to worry about is what to bring to brunch. Boy am I wrong.