Page 38 of Don't Quit (The Reluctant Heart 5)
Chapter Fifteen
“You look horrible,” I said to Lizzy. She sipped the coffee I’d brought her and laid back against the couch cushions.
“Thanks a lot. I think it was my 3 AM surprise visit from you. Why didn’t you have Richard bring you to your apartment again?” she asked.
“I haven’t told him yet that I don’t live here.”
That was a good question, one I didn’t have an answer to. “Haven’t had a chance.”
Lizzy, even half asleep, burst out laughing. “You seem to have found enough time to have sex. Couldn’t you have mentioned that this was my apartment between moans of ecstasy?”
I grabbed the pillow behind me and went to hit her with it when she warned in a firm tone, “Don’t you dare make me spill my coffee on the couch.”
Letting the pillow drop to my lap I said, “See, that’s the problem with having such nice things. You’re always worried about ruining them.”
I was only teasing her. I used to have many nice things. When it came to decorating, I had great taste. Unfortunately, Jarrod was currently reaping the benefits of it and I was stuck in a furnished efficiency apartment.
“Your place isn’t that bad,” Lizzy said. “It just lacks charm. Maybe fresh flowers would help.”
“With any luck, I won’t be there much longer,” I said.
That seemed to have woken Lizzy up, because she sat up straight and spilled her coffee down the front of her bathrobe. “Damn it, Joyelle. You can’t be springing news like that on me.” She grabbed some tissues and wiped down what she could. “Give me all the details. What did he say?”
“Richard? What did he say? Was it romantic? Did he drop down on one knee?” Lizzy grabbed my left hand and asked, “Where is it?”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“Your engagement ring,” she said seriously.
My jaw dropped. What the hell!? “I never said anything about Richard asking me to marry him,” I said firmly.
“Okay, live with him. Whatever. Give me the details, cause you’re killing me making me wait,” she blurted.
“I’m not talking about Richard. I’m talking about going to school,” I said. “You know, college.”
Lizzy blinked several times and then leaned back against the couch. “Is that all? I thought you had real big news.”
“That is big news. I’m going to look into selling my truck and going to college to get that degree I always wanted.”
I hadn’t slept at all last night. All I could think about was Richard’s encouraging words: Don’t quit on your dreams. I’m not ready to give up on myself.
I wasn’t sure it was possible, but at least I knew there was a chance. And someone believed in me enough to tell me to go for it.
“But is it really what you still want?” she asked. “People’s dreams change. I mean, that was your dream when you were with Jarrod.”
“No. It was my dream before Jarrod. Being married to Jarrod was what derailed me.” It was possible I was holding on to it because it was one of the things that had helped me get through my marriage with Jarrod, the wish that I could go back in time and go to college instead of getting married. I’d never given any thought as to what else I may want to do. I’m not the same person I was as a teenager, so why should my dreams not have changed as well? “I hate to say this, but maybe you’re right - I should slow down and think about it a little more.”
“I think that’s a good idea. There’s no rush, after all. I mean, you do have other things to keep you occupied.”
“There are only so many hours I can work,” I said.
“I’m talking about you and Richard. Things looked pretty cozy between the two of you.”