Page 33 of Don't Quit (The Reluctant Heart 5)
“It’s…nothing,” Lizzy said.
“Sure sounds like something,” I replied. Why is she being so mysterious? Did she have sex with Clark while we were gone? I couldn’t picture Lizzy ever being relaxed enough to have sex in the woods. Outdoors definitely wasn’t her thing. But something sure had her smiling. I know why I am.
“Okay, I had Clark take me into town so I could get some real supplies,” she gave in.
Clark laughed again. “You should see her tent.”
“What did you get?” I asked.
“A double sized self-inflating air mattress.”
“And a portable toilet, and battery-operated fan,” Clark said.
“Like I said, real supplies,” she said. “At least this way, I can sleep tonight. Last night was miserable.”
“You don’t like camping?” Richard asked. Lizzy shook her head. “Then why did you agree to come?” he asked.
Please don’t tell him the truth.
Lizzy met my eyes and I pleaded with her. She grinned and said, “She’s my BFF. I wasn’t letting her go off into the woods with some stranger.”
“So you’re here to protect her?” Clark chuckled.
Lizzy said, “Watch yourself, Clark. I also purchased pepper spray.”
He raised his hands and said, “You really owe me, Richard.”
“What does that mean?” Lizzy asked.
“Means I was invited to come along to keep you out of trouble,” Clark replied.
Oh, God. This isn’t going to go over very well.Lizzy hated being manipulated or controlled in any way.
Lizzy put her hands on her hips and snarled. “Are you telling me that….”
“Lizzy, I think you’re misunderstanding what Clark is saying,” I interrupted, trying to save the moment. “He’s here for the same reason you are.”
Lizzy looked at me doubtfully and I knew I had to be honest. “He’s here because I asked Richard if I could take you on this trip. We thought it would be a great way for us all to get to know each other.”
It sounded plausible. Lizzy sighed. “Well, at least the two of you seemed to be getting to know each other very well.”
So we’re back to that.It was better than her pitching a fit and demanding we leave right now. I loved Lizzy, but going on this trip, opening myself up to Richard – this had all been her idea. I was glad she pushed me, but now I needed her to cooperate and let me enjoy what was left of this weekend.
Changing the subject, I turned to Richard and asked, “What fun adventure do you have planned for us tomorrow?”
Richard said, “I’m thinking we go into town and…”
“Shop?” Lizzy exclaimed.
Richard turned to Clark and said, “How do you feel about spending another day with Lizzy?”
“Going for another hike?” he asked.
“Was thinking about renting UTV’s,” Richard said.
Lizzy asked, “What’s a UTV?”
“Oh, that would be awesome,” I smiled. “Lizzy, it’s like an ATV, all-terrain vehicle, or a quad but a UTV is a utility task vehicle, and it is meant for more people, two, four and sometimes even six. It will take you anywhere you want to go, but it’s like sitting in the Jeep.” I know a lot about them, even though I never had the chance to actually be out on one. Jarrod only wanted to ride a quad, and not with me. He believed it was ‘guy time.’ This wasn’t just a treat to finally check off something on my bucket list, but the fact Richard was planning it for us to do, made it all the more special.