Page 29 of Don't Quit (The Reluctant Heart 5)
“God, Lizzy, you make it sound much worse than it is,” I said angrily.
She looked at my leg again and replied, “If I pass out from seeing your blood, then it is worse.” She called out to Richard again and said, “We’re over here.” A moment later she said, “I see him. He’s almost here.”
Even though I kept telling her it wasn’t bad, my shin really ached, and the bleeding didn’t seem to be stopping. I was tempted to take my shirt off and wrap it, but Richard would be here. I hoped he had something clean to use.
Richard dropped to his knee beside me and asked, “Did you get bit?”
“By a log,” I said. “Nothing serious, but the bleeding won’t stop and hurts like heck.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a travel first aid kit. When he opened it, there wasn’t much in there except for bandages and alcohol wipes. “You’re not wiping me with those,” I said firmly. My leg hurt enough – I didn’t need it to sting, too.
“It won’t hurt that bad. Besides, I have to see if you need stitches.”
“I don’t. Trust me. I saw it. Just a bandage and it will stop on its own,” I said.
He looked as though he was going to lecture me and do what he wanted. Instead, he did what I asked and then scooped me up into his arms.
“I can walk, you know,” I stated.
Ignoring me, he ordered, “Keep your toes pointed up and your leg elevated while I carry you back to the camp.”
“What about the wood?” I asked, loving how strong and fit he felt as he easily carried me.
“Don’t worry, Clark and I can get it,” Lizzy said.
Ha. So this is what it takes to get her to carry the wood.
The last thing I heard was Clark saying, “Load me up Elizabeth and I’ll carry it.” I might be in pain, but I wish I could’ve seen Lizzy’s reaction. I don’t know how she does it, but men were always willing to cater to her. That’s great, but I don’t want to be viewed as a woman who can’t take care of herself.
I rested my head on Richard’s shoulder. Well, maybe just this once won’t hurt.
When we arrived back at the campsite, Richard sat me down on a log and said, “I’ll be right back.” I kept my leg elevated as much as I could until he returned. This time he held a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. “This won’t hurt.”
He poured it over the cut, and it washed away the blood. It bubbled slightly then ran clear. Richard dabbed it with a white gauze and then wrapped it with a bandage.
“Thank you, but you really didn’t have to do all that,” I said.
He looked me in the eyes and said, “Yes, I did.” Then his lips briefly made contact with mine. “I’m glad it’s a minor cut. You don’t want to even know the things that ran through my mind when I heard your scream.”
I reached my hand up and touched his cheek tenderly. “Always rescuing me, aren’t you?”
He smiled and before claiming my lips again he added, “What kind of knight would I be if I didn’t?”