Page 15 of Don't Quit (The Reluctant Heart 5)
Chapter Seven
“Can’t we talk about something other than my date last night?” I asked Lizzy. “Like maybe how my day went today? Because trust me, I have a lot to say.”
“But none of it will be as exciting as hearing about what the two of you did. If you won’t tell me, I’ll have to ask probing questions.” Lizzy leaned back on her couch and tapped her chin with her finger. “I know. Let’s start with this one. Did he kiss you?”
I knew that was what she was going to ask. It was an amazingly simple answer. “No.” And before she could go off with a list of questions I added, “And he didn’t ask me out again, either. It was nice, and we enjoyed talking, but the truth is, we are so vastly different.”
“I know. He’s a man and you’re a woman. If you need to describe exactly what those differences entail, then you’re really in need of my help,” Lizzy teased.
I rolled my eyes. “Why do you always need to make things seem so trivial?”
“To remind you that things aren’t always as hopeless as you believe. Like this guy Richard, he asked you out. I’m sure he wasn’t thinking of anything beyond how pretty you are.”
“That’s supposed to make me feel better? I don’t want to be with someone just because he’s attracted to me,” I said firmly.
“So you’re looking for something serious? You want to settle down and get married again?” she asked.
“Hell no! Once was enough for me.” One lying, cheating, controlling bastard was enough. I didn’t need to relive that experience.
“Then what’s the problem with enjoying the company of someone I know you’re attracted to? You have nothing in common – so what? There’s nothing wrong with a strictly physical relationship! Or are you going to tell me you don’t miss sex? If so, I’m calling you a liar,” she said.
I sank into the couch beside her. “You really can be a jerk sometimes.”
“Usually when I’m right.”
And you are again.
“Well, it’s a moot point. He didn’t ask me out.” Even though I was hoping he would.
She grabbed my cell phone from the coffee table and handed it to me. “Then you ask him.”
“I can’t do that,” I said firmly, my insides shaking at just the thought.
“Can’t or won’t?” she challenged.
“Does it matter? The result is the same. I’m not calling him,” I said, holding my phone tightly against me.
“Because you’re so damn afraid you’ll get hurt again. But if you go into this knowing there’s nothing between you but mutual attraction, how could you possibly get hurt?”
“So you want me to use him for sex?” I asked. I shouldn’t have been shocked. Lizzy was so comfortable in her own sexuality. That probably wouldn’t be the case if she’d been married to Jarrod. He compared me to every other woman, and there was no way I could live up to his expectations. The only way Jarrod is getting the woman he wants is when it comes in artificial intelligence. I’m not even sure a robot could put up with his endless complaining.
I chuckled softly, and Lizzy must’ve thought I was having some dirty thoughts about Richard. I’ve had plenty, just not this time.
“I guess you aren’t totally opposed to the idea,” she grinned in victory. “Now call before you chicken out.”
“I’ll do it when I get home.”
Lizzy shook her head, crossed her arms, and waited. With a sigh, I started to text him.
“No. A phone call is better.”
“Why?” I asked.
“You can express yourself better verbally. It’s so hard to flirt in a text.”
I raised a brow. “It’s harder for you to eavesdrop when I text, too.”