Page 6 of Just Feel (The Reluctant Heart 4)
Chapter Three
“I can’t believe he actually scored the tickets,” I said, sitting cross-legged on Samantha’s bed, watching as she did her makeup.
Phillip had said he would, of course, but I’d learned that what people say, and what they do, don’t usually match. Especially true in men.
“Well, he did,” Samantha said, only half-listening as she applied her mascara. “I know you. You’re wondering why. How. But really, who cares? Sure, the guy pulled it off, but from what you told me, if he hadn’t interfered, you’d have accomplished the same thing on your own.”
“True. But…” He doesn’t strike me as the type to go out of his way for others.
Samantha spun around to face me. “Can’t you just be happy that your client got what he wanted, and you got paid?” All she wanted was to focus on her date – I could tell from her tone. “Speaking of paid, the electric bill is on the kitchen table.”
Well, she knows exactly how to get me to stop talking about Phillip Heart.
Before I could remind her that I paid the last one, Samantha turned around to resume her prepping routine. I wasn’t sure if I was more jealous about her having something fun to do or of how great she looked in that black dress.
Our eyes met in the mirror and she asked, “What’s the matter, Lindsay? You don’t seem yourself.”
“I don’t know. Maybe I caught a cold from being out in that hailstorm.”
“You can’t catch a cold from being cold. It’s a germ. You need to be exposed to it,” she stated.
I snickered. “Since when are you a medical expert? Don’t tell me the guy from the gym told you that.”
“Oh God, no. He’s so yesterday. I met someone new today. His name is Marcel.” Holding her chin high in the air, she added, “He’s a doctor.”
“Well, I’ve often told you that you should see one,” I teased. Samantha didn’t find it funny.
“I am very capable of holding a conversation with a doctor,” she huffed.
“I’m sorry,” I faltered. I wasn’t trying to say you’re--”
“Dumb? Because it sure sounded like it,” she snapped.
“Samantha, you blow me away anytime we play a trivia game. If you’re dumb, I don’t even want to know what I am.”
She laughed. “Hmmm. Right now, I’d say sexually frustrated.”
That was a major leap in the conversation. “What the hell does that have to do with anything?”
Turning away from her reflection, she rounded on me. “All you’ve done is talk about this Phillip guy. First the tickets, and then how he dropped them off to you himself. It’s like you’re interested in him or something.”
“Absolutely not!” I scoffed. “He had me dragged up to his office like a common criminal. If anything, I think the guy is arrogant and…”
“I believe you said gorgeous when you described him to me earlier.” Tapping her chin with her finger, she added, “Let me see what your exact words were.”
“I know what I said,” I snapped. Tall, sexy, and distinguished.
“So you agree. You like him.”
“No. I agree that I may have used words that gave you the false impression that I like him. If anything, I wish I could’ve had more time with him this morning so I could set him straight on how he needed to treat people going forward,” I explained. I was positive I wasn’t the only person he judged incorrectly.
She arched a brow and looked me up and down. “Your body language says otherwise. And before you ask how I know this, may I remind you that we have been BFF’s for more than twenty years.”
“So what. I found him attractive. That doesn’t mean I’m sexually frustrated.”
“You’re right. It just means that you like the guy. So why don’t you pick up the phone and call him,” she suggested.