Page 55 of Just Feel (The Reluctant Heart 4)
Chapter Twenty-One
It was hard being at the cookout and holding a secret that I couldn’t share, not even with Lindsay. She had become my confidante over the past few weeks, and I hoped she wouldn’t feel slighted that I’d kept this to myself.
“Are you even trying?” Clark said, as my beanbag missed not only the hole but the entire board.
“I’m…distracted,” I replied.
“No shit. And at this rate, I think the ladies are winning. Do you know how embarrassing that is?”
I chuckled. “Clark, this is just cornhole. Why are you taking it so seriously?”
Clark said, “Did you see the look on their faces? They are out to win. If they do, we will never live it down.”
He was single and hadn’t yet learned that sometimes, losing is winning. “I can handle the boasting for a while.”
“I tell you, you guys are losing your edge. Thank God, you’ve got me and Richard to give them some competition.”
“If you want, I’ll sit out and let someone play for me,” I offered.
“No. They’re no better than you. I’ll tell you, though, Lindsay planned one hell of a cookout. I’ve never seen this place look so…”
“Welcoming?” I said. Everyone was dressed in shorts or jeans, even my parents, which I wasn’t sure I’d ever witnessed before.
“Yeah. That’s the word. It’s going to really suck to go back to our normal Sunday brunch.”
“What do you care? You didn’t do any of the work.” I looked over to our opponents and saw the huge smiles on Lindsay’s and my mother’s faces. “I have a feeling nothing is going to be the same after today.”
“Why do you say that?” Clark asked.
“Just a feeling,” I replied.
Clark laughed. “Wow. Look who’s in tune with his feelings now. Does this mean you’re thinking about popping the question to Lindsay?”
In a half growl I said, “Keep your voice down.”
He looked at me and said, “Are things really that serious between the two of you?”
“She’s here with me.” That should’ve been enough of a statement.
Jerry jogged over to us. “I don’t want to say anything, but the girls already won,” he said. “They’re laughing because you two have been talking so much, you never even noticed.”
I looked over to their team and caught the tail end of their victory dance. “Good. Because I’m hungry.”
“Are you forgetting something?” Jerry asked.
The time had gotten away from me, so most likely I had. Looking at my watch, I nodded. “Anybody in the mood for dessert?” I called out. That got everyone’s attention, and they all made their way towards the tables where there were still loads of food.
Lindsay came over to my side and kissed my cheek. “You know I’m always in the mood for dessert.”
My body reacted, knowing damn well what she implied. “My one and only sweet,” I whispered, pulling her close, yearning to feel her naked body against mine already. I’d never needed anyone like I did Lindsay. Instead of growing tired or bored with making love to her, I only needed it more. I couldn’t get enough of her. But I couldn’t get distracted right now - I had a job to do.
“If you’ll excuse me for a minute, I need to go and get something,” I said, unwrapping my arms from around her.
“I’ll be right here,” she said.
I slipped into the house and went to the front door to let in Reanna’s kid sister Brenda who had flown in from California for this. “I can’t believe it’s time,” she squealed excitedly.