Page 39 of Just Feel (The Reluctant Heart 4)
She nodded. “But our differences make us a strong couple.” As we walked into the back room, she asked Lindsay, “So how long have you two been together?”
I thought I’d been clear about avoiding the Heart interrogation. Lindsay glanced at me as though not sure how to answer. I interjected.
“Just a couple of weeks.”
“Well, if you have any questions about him or the family, you just ask. I’ll be more than happy to tell you anything I know,” Shanda said.
“I hope you’re talking about glass blowing, because we’re not supposed to be talking about anything else,” Kenneth said when we entered the back room.
A little late, Kenneth.
“Kenneth, the best way to get to know someone is to ask questions,” Shanda said.
“And the best way to keep a business is not to piss off the customers,” Kenneth reminded her.
Shanda put her hands on her hips and replied, “He’s family, not a customer.”
“Tonight, he is.” Kenneth turned to Lindsay and said, “I’m Kenneth and I’ll be standing over there out of the way.”
“Maybe we can all do one tonight,” Shanda suggested.
Kenneth laughed. “She just wants to see if I can finally blow something without cracking the glass.”
“That’s because you try to rush it,” Shanda said. “It’s like making love. Too fast and someone is left…disappointed.”
We all burst out laughing and I appreciated how easily Shanda had set the light and fun tone for the evening. By the expression on Lindsay’s face, I nailed it with my choice of activity, and my family, surprisingly was a plus as well.
The next hour was much more serious. Shanda went into instructor mode and explained step by step how to twirl the blowpipe while blowing the hot molten glass. It wasn’t as simple as I first thought, and I developed an entirely new respect for all the stunning creations Shanda displayed and sold in her shop.
I wasn’t sure if it was because we were all enjoying ourselves, but there was only one vase that didn’t break. Not surprising, that was Shanda’s.
“Don’t be discouraged,” she said. “Come back again, and I’m sure you’ll get it next time. It just takes practice.”
“Like sex?” Kenneth teased.
She playfully slapped her husband and said, “That’s not something you need any practice at.”
Kenneth pulled Shanda into his arms and kissed her.
“Maybe it’s time we left and let you two finish this…argument,” I said, not wanting to stand there watching my brother make out with his wife, but each time I see them together, I know Kenneth made the right choice moving here. There was no doubt in my mind how much they loved each other and that they were genuinely happy.
“Nice meeting you, Lindsay,” Kenneth said.
Shanda broke free from Kenneth, hugged Lindsay and said, “I really hope we see you again soon.” She turned to me and added, “Maybe you can bring her to Sunday brunch. I’m sure your mother would love to meet her.”
I looked at Kenneth and my eyes said it all. I’m going to kill you.
“Good night. And thanks again for the lesson,” I said.
Lindsay, thankfully danced around Shanda’s last comment as well as she replied, “I would love to come back and try again. Maybe sometime when there aren’t so many…distractions.”
“Yes, Heart men can definitely be that.” Shanda pulled out her business card and handed it to Lindsay. “Give me a call next week and maybe you can try making a bowl next time. Afterward, maybe we can do lunch and I can fill in any questions you have about the mysterious guy of yours.”
I grabbed Lindsay’s hand and knew I’d better get her out of there before Shanda invited us to stay for dinner or drinks. When we were back outside, I said, “I’m not sure if my vase would’ve been any better than my painting even if it didn’t break.”
“Mine was looking more like a snake than a vase, but that was really a lot of fun. I really would like to do it again,” she smiled. “Maybe we can come back some time?”
“Shand said it takes practice. I think I’m going to need a lot.”