Page 20 of Just Feel (The Reluctant Heart 4)
Chapter Nine
“We’ve been out twice, that’s all. I have no idea why Clark is trying to make it something that it’s not,” I told my brother Andrew, who had supposedly come to my office for some legal advice. Does anyone work anymore?
“Phillip, Clark is just concerned about you. No different than me,” Andrew said.
“I don’t believe I’ve done a damn thing to make anyone worry about me,” I stated firmly. If I hadn’t been in Clark’s office when Lindsay’s name came up, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.
“Clark said that you’re driving your business harder than ever before.”
“And you say that like it’s a bad thing. If you have forgotten, we are businessmen. That requires us to work hard. Not everyone can take off to Maine whenever they choose or spend their nights in clubs.”
“Yet we are equally successful,” Andrew retorted. “The only difference is we are not locking ourselves in our offices 24/7. I was glad to hear you were out dating.”
“There seems to be an assumption that I do not date. That is incorrect,” I responded.
“I’ve seen the women you date. They are carbon copies of the women I used to date until I realized I want more than sex from a woman. I need more than sex,” Andrew said. “You’re the oldest. I’m sure you’ve thought about settling down.”
“Two dates, Andrew. You and Clark are talking like Lindsay and I have been seeing each other for months.” My brothers have lost their fucking minds.
“So you’re not going to see her again?” he asked.
“Remind me why that is any of your concern? Or would you prefer I check in with the two of you before making any plans to make sure they meet your approval?” I asked sarcastically.
“That would be a bit much, but you’re a Heart. And do you know what we are known for besides our business savvy?” I shrugged. Nothing he can say will change my mind.
Andrew went on. “For being horrible with relationships. It’s not our fault. It’s learned behavior. But there is a certain point in life when you will have to look deep within yourself and ask the question none of us ever want to. And that is this: Do I want to be alone, or do I want a family? You know my answer. Maybe it’s time to ask yourself what you truly want.”
What pissed me off most about this conversation was that I had been avoiding asking myself those exact questions. I wasn’t thinking marriage or children, but Lindsay had made me think about what was lacking in my life. Right now, that was fun. With Lindsay, I found myself laughing more, and even at myself, which was uncommon.
“Andrew, I appreciate your concern, but there is no need. Your path isn’t mine.” Andrew sat across from me as though expecting more. That’s all he was going to get. It’s all I know.
He stood up, and before leaving said, “I really hope you think long and hard before you walk away from her. I haven’t met her, but Clark said she isn’t someone you’d normally seek out. Maybe different is exactly what you need.”
Before Andrew even made it to the door I asked, “I thought you wanted legal advice.”
“You gave that to me before when I was in your shoes.”
Over the years I’d assisted each of my brothers with a variety of legal affairs. None that would pertain to me. “You’ll have to be more specific than that,” I stated.
“If it wasn’t for you, Anne probably would’ve turned my sorry ass down when I asked her to marry me.”
“And I helped in what way, legally speaking?” I recalled listening and preparing some legal forms in regards to owners of a certain property, but I had no advice to give when it came to matters of marriage.
“I had been considering a prenuptial agreement.”
“And I talked you out of it?” That certainly didn’t sound like me. I believed firmly that prenups saved a lot of time disputing things later.
“You did. Your words were, ‘I can hold onto my old ways and possessions, or I can trust that those I love, love me back.”
I arched a brow. I must’ve been drunk. “I’m glad it worked out for you.”
“When you’re done being a stubborn Heart, maybe it can work for you as well,” Andrew said as he walked out of my office.
There seemed to be a lot of name calling from my brothers lately. Maybe it was time I set them in their place like I had when we were young. I might be a stubborn ass, but only when I’m right. And for all their advice, they were only teaching me one thing–that it was time to put some distance between us. At least until this thing with Lindsay had run its course. The last thing I needed was their involvement getting Lindsay hurt. She didn’t deserve that.
As though she knew she was the topic of a conversation, she called my phone. “Hello, how are you?” I said.