Page 27 of Don't Hesitate (The Reluctant Heart 3)
“Yes. The man’s name was Carl Worth. He passed away a few weeks ago.”
“And what am I looking for?” he asked.
“There was a clause regarding the beneficiary. I want to see if there are any loopholes regarding The Treasured Chest,” I stated.
“Are you going to contest the will?” he inquired.
“No. Just need it so someone knows what actions they can take.” And how I can help nudge her in that direction.
“Okay. I’ll see about getting a copy from the courthouse. I’ll let you know once I have it.”
“And scan a copy to me as well.” I wanted to read it myself. Trust wasn’t something I gave to anyone fully.
“Give me a day or two and I’ll have it for you.”
“And be sure no one knows that I am the one who wants it. Understood?”
“Yes, Mr. Heart.” He ended the call and I headed to the back office.
I knocked on the door and opened it. Anne was sitting behind the desk with an ice pack on her arm. So you do listen when I talk. I opted not to rub it in. Instead, I said, “I came by to say sorry.”
“For what?” she asked.
“You told me not to come and I came anyway. My intentions are good, but I should’ve discussed it with you first.” She’d been forced into enough. I didn’t want to be another one cornering her.
Anne smiled, got up, and came to stand in front of me, surprisingly close. “Andrew, I don’t care how nice you are to me, my answer about The Treasured Chest is still no.”
“Have I mentioned purchasing it again?” I asked. She shook her head. “Then maybe I’m being nice to you because I’m a nice guy.”
Anne chuckled. “I thought you said you always told the truth.”
I looked down into her honey brown eyes and said, “You’re right. The truth is…I’m only being nice to you because I don’t think I could be anything else.” I stepped closer and tipped her chin high. “That’s not totally true, either. There is something else I can be with you, and it ain’t…nice.”
Her tongue traced her top lip and she asked, “And what is…that?”
I pulled her up into my arms, crushing her soft body against mine. I felt her wince, as I had forgotten about her bruises. I went to loosen my grip, when she grabbed my shoulders, kissed me hard and quick, then backed off.
With us eye to eye, she said, “I thought we agreed not to mix business with pleasure.”
I lowered her gently to the floor and replied, “I did. So maybe we should continue this conversation at that cabin after the club closes.”
“You’re really going to stay here the entire time?” she asked.
“I’ll be here while you need me.” I needed to get back to the entrance or I knew she’d take up the bouncer post again. “Don’t worry, I won’t toss anyone out who doesn’t deserve it.”
She shook her head. “Hell, they all deserve it if you ask me, but then I won’t have to worry about selling it. Because I’ll lose it first.”
“No, you won’t. You just run the business side and don’t worry about the rest.”
I turned and left her office. If she’s successful, then I’m not. This was not where anyone in business wanted to be.
Well, Phillip, I guess you’re not getting in on the deal. Because it just went belly-up.