Page 9 of Just Trust (The Reluctant Heart 2)
Chapter Two
Brenda exclaimed, “You kissed him!”
Reanna rolled her eyes. “Brenda, I’m not a school girl. This wasn’t my first kiss.” But it sure was the best I’ve ever had. That man had her entire body tingling and wanting more. If it weren’t for her cell phone ringing, it was very possible they would’ve continued what they had started when they got back in her truck. But the moment had vanished as quickly as it had come.
“But Jerry’s not just any man. He’s a Heart. They are all hot and sexy and…well, any woman who has a pulse can see all that.” Brenda reached out and touched Reanna’s wrist.
Yanking it away she asked, “What the heck are you doing?”
“Just making sure you’re alive.”
“Of course I am,” she growled.
“Then why the heck are you sitting down here with me instead of having Jerry upstairs in your bedroom making the entire house shake?” Brenda asked.
Reanna crossed her arms and said, “If you have forgotten, you invited my ex to stay with us. Can you picture what it would’ve been like trying to explain that to Jerry?”
Brenda chuckled. “With that dress on, Jerry might not have even noticed Bobby on the couch. And for the record, I didn’t invite him. He asked and you are always lecturing me to be more welcoming and kind to people.”
“And you have to pick Bobby to finally put that to use?” she huffed.
She shrugged. “Reanna, it wouldn’t have mattered if Bobby wasn’t here. You know damn well that you’d never have taken him home with you and rocked his world.”
“What I do know is if I had, I wouldn’t be sitting here bragging about it. Brenda, you really need to grow up. Do you know how embarrassed I was when I found out you hadn’t notified Shanda and Kenneth that I was filling in for you? Even Jerry seemed shocked.”
“Not so upset that he didn’t kiss you. So maybe you should be thanking me instead of giving me grief. Besides, I had something very important to do and it couldn’t wait,” Brenda stated.
“I would think so. I mean, a date with a billionaire sounds right up your alley,” Reanna said. There was a part of her that was glad Brenda hadn’t gone. She’d hate to think of Jerry kissing Brenda like he’d kissed her. Doesn’t matter. It’s not like I’m going to see him again. Who cares who he kisses? Since she was thinking about it, obviously she cared.
“A few days ago, I’d have agreed with you. But I’m telling you, I have changed,” Brenda said sincerely.
“Okay. You’ve changed. So tell me what was so important that you blew off a date.” Reanna assumed it could be only one thing: a date with someone else.
“Good thing you’re sitting down, because you might pass out,” Brenda warned. Taking a deep breath she added, “I got a job.”
Finally.“Good for you. I guess you did the right thing tonight. Jobs don’t come along every day.”
“Not this one, that is for sure. I’ve been applying and calling and practically begging. But they called me earlier today and scheduled me for a phone interview at the same damn time I was supposed to have dinner with Shanda and Kenneth.”
“But you got the job and that’s all that matters. I’m really happy for you. When do you start?” Reanna asked.
“Well then I guess we should go out and celebrate tomorrow. What do you say dinner and a movie?” she asked.
Brenda shook her head. “I can’t. My plane leaves in the morning at ten.”
“Plane? What plane?” Reanna asked.
“My job is at a theme park in California.” Reanna’s mouth dropped and Brenda continued, “I know. I can’t believe it either.”
“You’re…you’re pulling my leg, right? I mean, this is payback for kissing Jerry. Or maybe it’s for yelling at you to get a job. Whatever it is, I’m sorry.”
“It’s not a joke. I’m leaving in the morning.” She pulled out her cell phone and showed Reanna her screen. “That’s my itinerary.”
Reanna couldn’t believe it. Brenda was leaving. She should be happy for her, but deep down inside, she was going to miss her. Yes, Brenda got on her nerves, but she was used to sharing this place with her. With Brenda gone, there would be only her there. Shit. And Bobby. Damn it.
“I guess it’s a little late tonight to be celebrating, but how about I make us some hot chocolate and we talk about this plan of yours?” Reanna suggested.