Page 43 of Just Trust (The Reluctant Heart 2)
Shanda reached out and grabbed Reanna’s hand. “And friends.”
“Definitely,” Reanna smiled.
“Good, I’m glad you consider me one, because friends always speak the truth, right?”
She wasn’t sure if Shanda had set her up on this or not. Only one way to find out. “I would like to think so.”
“Good. Then I want to talk to you about Jerry.”
“I thought we did that already,” she responded.
“Okay, then let’s talk about you,” Shanda added.
“Did that too,” she reminded Shanda.
“You know what I mean. You and Jerry as a couple.”
“Couple of what?” she joked. Shanda wasn’t having any of it.
“Are you afraid to love again?” Shanda asked.
“No. And for the record, I was so young when I married Bobby that I’m not sure we were ever really in love. More out to prove we were grown up. And we know one of us didn’t pass that test very well.”
“So you know Jerry is nothing like Bobby.”
“The only thing they have in common is their gender, and even then, I’m not so sure,” she chuckled.
“Okay, so let’s look at what you and Jerry have in common,” Shanda said.
This subject needed to change. She was trying not to think too much on it. She already knew she was falling for him. But she also knew that his life was in Boston and eventually he’d grow tired of her.
“I thought you wanted to talk about wedding stuff,” she reminded her.
“I do. But not mine. I can see you and Jerry married with a bunch of children,” Shanda said, smiling from ear to ear.
“Did you slip something in that iced tea? Because you’re talking crazy.” Not only was Shanda planning a wedding for them, but a family too.
“I’m not the only one who thinks so either. Kenneth said you guys are a good match. Of course, he thinks Jerry might need a little help to see that.”
“Shanda, if someone doesn’t see it, maybe it’s because it is not there,” she clarified.
“Clark said Jerry has not been himself since he met you.”
“Who is Clark?”
“Kenneth’s baby brother. That’s right, you haven’t met them. Okay, let’s see if I got them all right. Phillip is the oldest, then there is…Jerry. After that it is…Andrew and Richard. My honey is next, and last is Clark. Wow, I can’t believe I got them all in order.”
“This just proves to me that you’re wrong about me and Jerry.”
“How is that?” she asked.
“You know more about his family than I do,” she said firmly.
Shanda huffed. “I also know all the members of the city council, but that doesn’t mean I love them.”
“No, but it means we don’t know everything about each other.”
“Reanna, that is what a lifetime is for. Learning about all the little things.”