Page 32 of Just Trust (The Reluctant Heart 2)
The jet took off and they could remove their seatbelts. “You can breathe now. We won’t even be flying over an ocean till we hit Rhode Island,” Jerry said.
“I wasn’t holding my breath,” she said.
He chuckled. “I was worried you were going to turn blue.”
“I went all the way in up to my ankles. That was more than you had asked for,” she said. “And I didn’t even say one word when the waves got bigger and practically pushed me over.”
“Not one word as you jumped onto my back and wrapped these sexy legs around me,” he said squeezing her thigh.
“Are you telling me you don’t have any fears?” she asked. It was only fair that she learned some of his as well.
“Everyone does,” he said.
“And yours is?” she prodded. He was quiet, and she wondered if he was pondering his answer or thinking of a way out. “Well?” she asked.
“I’m afraid of having a marriage like my parents,” he said.
That wasn’t anything she expected to hear, but there was nothing about his expression that hinted he was joking. So she sat up straighter and asked, “Your parents aren’t happy?” It was a very personal topic, but he brought it up. And part of getting to know someone was talking about things that sometimes weren’t comfortable.
“Happy? I guess it depends on what makes a person happy. They both have what they want,” he said.
She could push and she was sure he would divulge more, but his parents weren’t all that important to her right now. She wanted to know more about him. “What makes you happy Jerry?”
“A successful business deal.” Then he laughed. “Guess I’m like my parents.”
She didn’t know them, but from what she’d seen of Jerry, there was so much more to him than work. Maybe she could help him see that. After all, they had a long flight home, and although the jet was luxurious, it wasn’t private enough for her to get real comfortable.
“Was this trip business?” she asked. He shook his head. “Or last night?” Same response. “Because I could be wrong, but you seem happy and we never spoke about your job at all. Well I briefly overheard you talking when we first met, but that’s not the same. So if you asked me, there is more to you than you want anyone to know.” Maybe more to you than you’re willing to admit to yourself too.
“Are you out to make detective?” he asked.
She smiled. “Deflecting is a sign that I am either close or right. Which is it Jerry?”
“I am different with you than I usually am,” he stated.
She waited for him to add more, but nothing came. So she reached over and touched his hand, “I don’t know who you are with everyone else, but I like who you are with me.” She meant that. He made her feel comfortable, safe, and happy.
“That’s good, because we have a long flight,” he joked.
She knew that was the end of whatever serious conversation she was getting out of him. That was okay. There was no reason to rush to know everything about him. What fun would that be?
“Maybe I should get a few hours of sleep while you work?” she suggested.
“I think that is wise, since you’re working overnight tonight.
“Yeah. You never know when Mrs. Grossman is going to call with one of her urgent issues again.”
“So the toad wasn’t her first?” he asked.
Reanna sighed. “The first that day. She’s lonely. We are her connection to everyone else. I just wish she could find another outlet besides calling us and making up issues.”
“Should I call the station if I’m missing you too?” he asked.
That sent a warm feeling throughout her. You miss me? They’d seen each other three days in a row. How much more time could they spend together? “I wouldn’t recommend that. My captain frowns upon people calling in a false report.”
“Okay, I’ll make sure I have something valid like Mrs. Grossman does,” he teased.
Reanna smiled. “I think I’m going to give her your number next time I go out on a call. You’d love chatting with her, and this way you won’t be lonely either.”
Jerry glared at her. “Has anyone ever told you that you can be a brat?”
She nodded. “It comes natural. And for the record, like you, I hate to lose.”
“So I have noticed. Now get some sleep, and I’m going to get some work done.”
Reanna nodded and pushed the button for the chair to recline. As she rolled onto her side she said, “Maybe if we get back early enough I can cook you dinner.”
“I don’t know about you, but by then, I’m going to be starving. If you forgot, you didn’t want to eat before we boarded again.”
“Oh yeah.” In a softer voice as she started to drift off she added, “Pizza sounds good too.”