Page 26 of Just Trust (The Reluctant Heart 2)
“I’ll let you know after,” she smiled, but her eyes were still closed. With a sigh she added, “I hate to tell you this.”
He knew it wasn’t going to be a complaint about his love-making skills, but her tone sounded a bit serious. Jerry lifted his head and looked down at her. “What is it?”
“You told me to trust you, and I did. But you haven’t fulfilled all your promises this evening.”
He thought he’d done a pretty damn good job. “Would you care to give me a hint as to where I was lacking?”
“Hint? Hmm. Let me think,” she said.
“Is it that hard?” he asked.
She nodded. “Only if I want to make mine as good as yours had been. Now give me a second. I’m thinking.”
He kissed her shoulder then laid his head back on the pillow. “Wake me when you think you’ve got it,” he teased.
“Don’t get all cocky. I’m going to think of one that you won’t figure out,” she stated with a confident tone.
Once his eyes were closed, Jerry thought he might actually fall asleep, but Reanna didn’t need as much time as he thought.
“Are you ready?” she asked.
He pulled himself back up so he could look into her beautiful green-brown eyes. They were as unique and captivating as she was. “I’m all ears.”
“Whether at the beginning or at the end, it’s like the icing on a cake,” Reanna stated.
Food analogy? He couldn’t think of how that related to sex. “A kiss?”
She laughed. “Not even close.”
What could he do either before or after sex? “A shower?”
Reanna rolled her eyes. “I thought I was bad, but you really suck at this. The answer is dessert.”
Jerry never would have gotten that one. He chuckled. “You’re thinking of food right now?” She nodded. “Damn, I really need to step up my game.”
“No. Maybe just order some delivery,” she teased. “That is, if you want me to have any energy for the next round.”
Jerry rolled over and grabbed his cell phone out of the back of his jeans. “I’ll order us double. So, is it chocolate cake or ice cream?” he asked.
“That wasn’t a yes or no question,” he corrected.
“But it can be, right?” she grinned.
“That might require a round three to work all of this off,” he teased.
Reanna said, “Won’t hear me complaining.”
Damn woman. I might just need some of that sugar myself.“Cake and ice cream it is,” he said.
“I like the way you think.”
One of us does.He wasn’t sure what had happened that he’d been overcome with emotion, but thankfully it was gone. Jerry needed to keep that in check. There was no reason why this couldn’t stay just like it was. But right now it wasn’t Reanna enjoying their time together too much, it was him.
How can I ask her to trust me, when I can’t even trust myself?
He’d worry about that tomorrow when he was alone and could think clearly. Lying next to Reanna definitely made that impossible.