Page 22 of Just Trust (The Reluctant Heart 2)
“So, was my hint appropriate now?” he asked.
Reanna nodded. “Now it’s clear. Can’t believe I couldn’t guess it. Then again, even if I had, I’d have thought I couldn’t be right. How the heck did you get them to let me drive that?”
He owned that car, even though he didn’t race it himself. It was something he hadn’t even shared with his brothers, yet he knew it was where he’d wanted to take Reanna. But he wasn’t willing to tell her everything. We all have secrets, and this one is mine. “I know the pit crew.” And pay them.
“Your friends must be impressed when you bring them there. I know I was, am, still blown away,” she said.
“You’re the first,” he stated honestly. Very rarely does he ever even show his face at the track. Jerry didn’t want his name linked in any way. It was his…hobby. As a youth, he’d always wanted to be a racecar driver. But that wasn’t what his parents wanted for him. Growing up, it was well known, what his parents wanted, was what they got. The Hearts were driven by making wise business decisions. They weren’t risk takers, but rather, strategic planners. Racecar driver definitely wouldn’t fit in the Heart legacy.
Reanna said in a joking tone, “I don’t think I’ve ever been anyone’s first before. I’ll have to go and mark that on my calendar.”
Jerry smirked. “Not diary material?” he teased back.
She bit her bottom lip and said, “The night is young. We’ll have to see.”
Was that an invitation to up his game? Even though he’d told himself he wasn’t going to sleep with her, tonight or any other night, he also wasn’t going to say no if the opportunity presented itself.
“Racing and lobster wasn’t enough? Should we take a drive back to that lake and maybe then I can rate high enough to earn a paragraph or two?” Jerry asked.
Reanna shook her head. “The lake is already in there. Not as exciting as I would’ve thought.”
“Really? What did you write?” he asked. In his mind, that kiss had been pretty fucking good.
“Ended too quickly,” she stated.
Jerry reached across the table and with his thumb he made small circles on the inside of her wrist. “I promise Reanna, next time I kiss you, you won’t have any complaints.”
“Maybe we can…discuss it when you bring me home,” she said softly.
“I suggest you stop looking at me with that look in your eyes or we might not make it to your house,” he warned. The hunger in her eyes reflected his burning need. They hadn’t even finished eating, but dinner was over as far as he was concerned.
She pulled her hand from beneath his, then picked up a piece of the lobster claw meat, dipped it in butter, and brought it to her mouth. Her tongue licked the droplets of butter lingering on her lips. Fuck. When he looked back into her eyes, he knew every movement had been intentional.
Jerry pulled out his wallet and tossed a hundred on the table. Reanna asked, “Not hungry any longer?”
Not falling for that sweet, innocent act.“Not for this,” his voice was hungry with need. He watched Reanna take her napkin off her lap, fold it, and slowly place it on the table. Killing me here. “I take it you’re…finished as well?”
She smiled, “Haven’t even begun.” Reanna pushed her chair out and got up. “How long of a drive is it?” she asked.
Jerry got up and said, “Trust me, it’s not going to take me as long as whatever the GPS is going to tell us.” He placed a hand on the base of her back as they left the restaurant.
He thought she’d remind him that she was a police officer and he shouldn’t speed. Instead she said, “Too bad we don’t have that Mustang right now. Bet we could make it to my house in a quarter of the time.”
Jerry wasn’t worried about a speeding ticket, and Reanna didn’t seem troubled by how quickly they had made it back to her house. When they pulled into the driveway, there was a young kid sitting on her stairs.
Hell no. Not now.
He’d been thinking of carrying her up those stairs, kicking open the door, and kissing her senseless the entire way. None of his fantasies included this.
“Kid brother?” he asked.
Reanna sighed. “No. And I have no idea what he’s doing here.”
“Is he a problem? Do you want me to get rid of him for you?” Jerry asked. She might not need his help, but when she was with him, he was going to protect her.
“Kyle is a good kid, just never good with timing,” she stated while opening her door and getting out. As they approached Kyle she asked, “What are you doing here?”
“I think I screwed up,” he said.