Page 2 of Just Trust (The Reluctant Heart 2)
“You will definitely need to change,” Brenda said.
“Good, because I’m tired, and there is nothing I want right now more than a hot shower, my pajamas, and a glass of wine.”
“How about two out of three?”
Reanna took out her house keys and went to unlock the door. The knob turned and the door opened, no key required. “Brenda, what have I told you about leaving the doors unlocked?”
“It’s not like I left it open with no one home. Bobby is inside,” she said, trying to defend her actions.
Don’t remind me.
“That is not the point, Brenda. The doors get locked. Understood?”
Brenda nodded. “This is not the way to start your night.”
“Exactly. I want to come home and relax,” she stated.
“Or maybe go out,” Brenda added.
Reanna turned and said, “I’m not hanging out with you and your friends.”
“I wouldn’t want you to. You’d be a buzzkill.” Brenda raised her hands and added, “Not saying you’re boring, but you’re just not…fun.”
Reanna glared at Brenda. “You do know that I’m the one working and providing a roof over your head, right?”
“Sorry. I do appreciate it. And I am looking for a job. Just the right one hasn’t come along.”
“You don’t need the ‘right one’ you just need one,” she said firmly.
Brenda rolled her eyes and said, “Prime example of what I was saying. Buzzkill. I hope you don’t talk like that tonight with Jerry.”
“Who is Jerry?”
“Your date,” Brenda stated.
“You have a date?” Bobby asked from the couch in the living room.
Reanna slammed her keys on the counter and said, “No, I don’t.”
“Yes, you do. That’s what I needed to talk to you about. You have a blind date tonight and you’ve got to get moving if you’re going to get ready,” Brenda said.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about Brenda, but I didn’t agree to a blind date.”
“Well, you didn’t, but I did. And I can’t make it,” Brenda said.
“So call and cancel. I’m not going for you,” she said. Reanna was always rescuing Brenda, but this wasn’t going to be one of those times.
“You don’t understand. I promised Shanda I would do it, but I can’t. She’s going to be so pissed off at me,” she explained.
“Why did you agree to something that you couldn’t fulfill?”
“I planned on it, but now I can’t. Please Reanna. It’s only dinner. And you know Shanda and her soon-to-be husband Kenneth. This is Kenneth’s older brother Jerry, so I’m sure he’s more your type than mine anyway,” Brenda stated.
Shanda Morris had been friends with Brenda since childhood, but the difference was Shanda actually grew up. As far as Kenneth Heart, she had only met him a few times. He seemed nice, but definitely looked out of his element in Hope Valley.
“It sounds like you have some apologizing to do, because I’m not going,” Reanna said. “Besides, Shanda is expecting you, not me.”
“I know, but it’s too late to cancel. I’m desperate. Please? Unless you wanted to stay home and reminisce with Bobby again tonight,” Brenda prodded.