Page 8 of The Billionaire's Deception (The Blank Check 5)
“Do you want some help?” Kollette asked eagerly.
“That’s not why I told you,” he said.
“But I’m still happy to help. Actually I’d like to if you don’t mind,” she stated.
“It’s snowing out there. Do you have boots and a warm coat?” he asked.
“I think I have something that might work. If you’ll give me a minute, I’ll go get them on.”
“Okay. I’ll meet you on the porch.”
Kollette smiled and dashed out of the kitchen. He knew it could get boring here, but he wasn’t offering her anything exciting. He figured it’d take her some time to get ready so he grabbed that coffee he’d promised Roy and headed back out into the living room. Mabel was sitting there and instantly shot him a warning look.
“One of those cups better be for me and not Roy.”
Ethan smiled. “Actually they are for me and Kollette. We’re going to go get the wood and I figured we might need it.” He hated lying, but Roy look relieved that he had.
“It’s really coming down. She shouldn’t be out there in that,” Mabel said. Then she turned to her husband and said, “Roy, I can’t believe you’re sending her out there.”
Roy’s eyes widened and he said, “I didn’t even know she was going.”
Mabel huffed. “Well you do now.”
Roy got up and walked over and grabbed his coat of the hook by the door. “Come on Ethan. We got wood to fetch.”
Ethan was on his heels with the two cups of coffee in hand. Mabel said, “You might as well leave that mug here. Kollette might still want her coffee.”
He turned around and placed both mugs on the table by the couch. “I’ll have mine when I return.” Then he headed towards the door.
Kollette called out before the door closed. “I thought I was helping.”
“Let the men get the wood. You can come and help me in the kitchen. I could use some fresh ideas for lunch,” Mabel said.
Ethan turned and took a look at what Kollette was surprised by what she wearing. Mabel was right, she didn’t belong out there dressed in that. It wasn’t meant for work. He also bit his tongue. Mabel was an awesome cook, and it was Kollette who could use the help. Kollette must’ve read his mind because she glared at him. “Guess we both have our chores set out of us today,” he said.
Kollette nodded. “Hope you have a good appetite when you get back.”
And I hope all you do is peel the vegetables.
“The wood ain’t gonna get itself,” Roy called from outside.
Ethan laughed as he closed the door behind him and rushed down the stairs to join Roy. “Sorry about that I was just”
“Trying to get out of getting the wood if you ask me.”
“Roy, you know I’d never do that,” Ethan said. “And I can do this myself if you want to go back inside.”
He turned and said, “Mabel will have my hide if I go back inside now. Hell, I don’t think she bought your cockamamie story about the coffee being Kollette’s either.”
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Been married to that woman for fifty-two years. I think I know when I’m in trouble.”
Mabel was the sweetest woman he’d ever met. The worst she might do would be to not make dessert to go along with their lunch. And with Kollette helping, that actually might be a good thing.
As they walked towards the wood shed Ethan kept his eye open to see what the Potters might need on his next trip. He never came empty handed. One time it was a gas generator, and years ago, it was the solar panels. Unfortunately this was a last minute escape and he hadn’t shopped. The snow was dropping an inch an hour and at this rate, they were going to be snowed in for days. They had a foot already.
“I suppose I should shovel the path before we start moving the wood,” Ethan said.