Page 66 of The Billionaire's Deception (The Blank Check 5)
“I don’t agree with the developer. There ain’t no way he’s been around horses, never mind riding one. That barn needs sun, natural lighting. And why the heck would you put if so far away from the lodge? People are coming here for the wilderness feel. I’d think they’d want to be able to look out and see some,” Roy said. “If you’re going to build here, I think you’re going to need my help.”
Kollette was glad Mabel and Roy agreed to accompany them to look at different properties. So far two locations had been purchased, and it really looked like this one was a go as well. But Roy couldn’t help himself. Each location he said the same thing. What he didn’t seem to realize, and neither she nor Ethan mentioned, was Roy tried getting them to be set up just like the Potters place in West Virginia. It was adorable that to Roy, his place was the perfect place.
She had to agree. For Mabel and Roy, there wasn’t another of its kind. But Kollette had to think of her guests. They weren’t going to be hauling the wood inside, and definitely not mucking the horse stalls either. They wanted to see the wilderness, but not necessarily smell the barn on a breezy day.
Kollette knew she was capable of pulling this all together, but it was all these pieces which she needed help with. If it wasn’t for Ethan, she might feel extremely overwhelmed. Of course, you don’t get Ethan without the entire Lawson family. His sisters-in-law were all too happy to give their opinions, and volunteer their husbands to give a helping hand as well.
She wasn’t going to knock it, because they were very helpful in finding the locations to build on. Even though the Lawsons were in the steel business, they seemed very interested and impressed to learn about log cabins. It was a shame no one in either family had been a lumberjack, because that would’ve come in very handy too right now.
“I’ll keep that all in mind Roy. But I think we have found our last property,” she said.
“I think you’re right sweetheart. This place is perfect,” Ethan said wrapping his arm around her to keep her warm.
There were many things Kollette was getting used to. Having Ethan by her side through the entire process, that was easy. Being welcomed into the Lawson family, after growing up with just Connor who was so much older than her, took a bit more time to get used to. But cold temperatures, might not be something that she could ever adapt to. Even now in spring, she was freezing her butt off. It probably was a good thing she wasn’t going to build them all in the north.
“Why don’t we get back into the SUV before you freeze to death,” Mabel said. “I think we still have some hot chocolate in the thermos.”
Kollette smiled and said, “You don’t have to tell me twice.” She linked arm and arm with Mabel and said, “Let them stand out there and talk. I’ve heard enough.” When they got inside, she turned on the engine and flipped the heat to high. Thankfully they hadn’t been outside so long that the SUV had cooled. “Ah. This is much better.”
She pulled off her gloves and held her fingers to the heater vents. Mabel said, “I’m still surprised.”
Kollette turned to her and asked, “At the fact that we’re not building on your land? You must be thrilled about that.”
“We are. But we were prepared for whatever happened. As long as Roy and I are together, we would be okay.”
“It wouldn’t have been the same. You guys are what makes that place…what it is.” She still couldn’t think of the word to describe it. Unique? Special? It was both, but yet the only one that ever fit, was the word home.
“True, but that is not what I find so…surprising,” Mabel said.
“No. What is?” she asked.
Mabel pointed to Kollette’s left hand. “I would’ve thought there’d be a ring on that finger by now. I have no idea what Ethan is waiting for. You two are meant to be together. We know it, and I’m sure you two have figured that out by now.”
Kollette smiled. Was she the only one who wasn’t anxiously waiting for a proposal? “We’ve only been together six months. There’s no rush. It will happen when the time is right.” Or maybe not at all.
Until she met Ethan, she wasn’t thinking about marriage and family. She was focused on her career. It wasn’t like that part had vanished. If anything, there was more on her plate than before. She wasn’t just managing one hotel, but she was going to head up three luxurious wilderness lodges and a lot of people were counting on her to make this work. This wasn’t just about her and her father, but each person she employed was going to need her to do her best. If it failed, everyone lost. That was a lot of pressure she hadn’t thought about before.
“But aren’t you turning thirty next month?” she asked.
Kollette chuckled. “Mabel, that’s not old.”
“I know dear. But Roy and I waited, and…and then by the time I was ready…I couldn’t have children. I don’t want that to happen to you and Ethan.”
Kollette felt horrible for what she’d said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
Mabel patted her hand. “Of course you didn’t. I know it wasn’t my place to say anything like that either but you and Ethan are like our children. We only want you to be happy.”
“We love you guys too. And never feel like you overstepped. If it wasn’t for you speaking your mind, Ethan and I might not be together today.”
Ethan had told her what Mabel and Roy had said. How they encouraged him to give it another chance. Although Kollette had no intention of letting him go so easily, it was nice knowing others wanted it for them just as much.
“Well if you were going to get married, what type of wedding would you want? I’m sure your father will want you to be married in Miami. Maybe at one of his hotels.”
Kollette shook her head. “I have no idea what I’d want, but that is not it. And I couldn’t plan anything right now anyway. I’m surrounded by plans all day long, that I have no time to even think about anything else.”
She may have found all three locations, but it was going to take at least a year to get them built. Kollette wished she had time to lay back and dream of what her wedding dress would look like, and go on cake tasting adventures but even making a wedding registry would be too distracting right now. None of that meant she didn’t want to be married to Ethan. She’d run to Las Vegas in a heartbeat and elope. The party, the guests, the gifts, none of it would make her any more his, than she already was.