Page 45 of The Billionaire's Deception (The Blank Check 5)
Ralph glared at him. “I think there was a lot you hadn’t talked about. But Kollette didn’t mention your name either. However when you called last night, I wanted to gather as much information as I could on you. I was familiar with Lawson Steel, but since we’ve never actually done business, I was looking for a reason why you wanted to meet. That led me to call my step-son Connor. To my surprise he knew a lot about you. Not that he was forthcoming with any details, but he had mentioned you were a…friend of Kollette’s. So as you can see, I wasn’t expecting you to come here to talk business.”
Had Ralph thought Ethan was here to ask for her hand in marriage? It’d be a cold day in hell before that happened. Ethan not only enjoyed his single life, but if he wanted to get married, it would be a decision between him and the person he loved. He didn’t require anyone’s approval or blessing.
“Well now you know, I’m here on business,” he said flatly, hoping to change the subject.
“So you are. Once again, not sure what I do is any of your concern.”
“The Potters are friends of mine. They are not interested in relocating. That is their home and I would consider it a personal favor if it continued to remain that way.”
Ralph said, “Maybe that works for Lawson Steel, but that’s not how I run my business. If I did, I wouldn’t have one.”
“I’m not saying you shouldn’t expand, just not at that exact location. There are plenty of places in West Virginia, some of which would be more suitable for your needs.”
Ralph laughed loudly. “I’m so glad to know you know what is best for me. How have I managed all these years without your insight,” he said sarcastically.
Was Ralph always such an ass, or was this his way of saying he disapproved of him dating Kollette? Either way, Ethan wasn’t intimidated. Apparently neither was Ralph. He was going to need to change tactics if he was going to make any progress.
“Maybe you can tell me why you want the Potters land?”
“I’m not in the habit of explaining myself,” Ralph said.
“Nor am I. But maybe for Kollette, you will.” He hadn’t meant to bring her name into this, but she was a part of it, whether he wanted to admit it or not. “Did she tell you about this place?”
“She did.”
“I’m not talking about the land; I’m talking about Roy and Mabel. The people who won’t have a home if you move forward with this.”
“They will be able to buy any home they want. Maybe find a place that doesn’t snow so much.”
“Mr. Sommers, it’s not about what the cabin looks like, or what the weather does. Roy built that place for him and Mabel. Not had it built, but actually did it himself. That isn’t something you can replace.”
“I can have it moved to a new location,” he stated. “There’s always a way. You just have to look to find out what the person needs, and make it happen.”
“What they need is to be left alone. No one can understand or replicate what that place is like. You have to be there to experience it.”
“Are you suggesting that I go and stay with the Potters? Because I’m telling you right now, there is no way that will ever happen. I have a business to run. I couldn’t reach my daughter except for once. There is nothing there right now that appeals to me. However, I’m going to change that. I’ll have a cell tower built. Actual roads put in. And of course, a luxury lodge where people are waited on hand and foot, not cutting and hauling wood. Or cooking and doing dishes. That’s not a guest. Not a vacation. What type of place are they running?” he asked.
“You don’t get it. They aren’t running anything. The only thing this place is, is their home.”
Ralph seemed puzzled. “I know how Kollette ended up there, but what I don’t understand is how you did.”
“I told you, they’re my friends. I go and visit when I get the chance.”
“And you just so happened to show up when my daughter was there? I don’t believe in fate or coincidences. How long have you been stalking my daughter?”
“What?” Ethan said, totally in shock. “I’m not stalking Kollette. I had no idea she was going to be there,” he defended himself. Ethan sure as hell didn’t like being accused of being some creep. He got why Ralph might think such a thing after the incident with the manager John, but that was just a misunderstanding.
“Then how can you explain the fact you continue to show up where she is? The Potters. You came to Miami. And went to Hawaii.”
“As I said, the Potters was unexpected. Yes, I came here looking for her and didn’t handle it the way I should have. There were things she and I needed to talk about. And that is what we did in Hawaii. I don’t believe you need any further information than that.”
“I have one more question. Do you love her?” he asked.
Ethan wasn’t prepared to answer that. Not to Ralph. Not to Kollette. Not even to himself. Things were moving so quickly with them. Too fast actually. It was too late to slow things down, but he wasn’t ready to keep moving at this speed either. So he answered Ralph with the only honest answer he could give. “She means a lot to me. That’s why I’m here. I’m not the only one who cares about the Potters. Kollette does as well. If they lose that place, it will hurt Kollette too. I don’t want to see that happen. There’s no need for it to.”
Ralph asked, “Does she know that you’re here with me?”