Page 41 of The Billionaire's Deception (The Blank Check 5)
“Mr. Lawson, what can I do for you?” Ralph said as he came on the line.
“Mr. Sommers, I was hoping you and I could sit down and discuss some business.”
“What type of business?” he asked.
“I’d rather talk about it in person if you don’t mind,” Ethan said.
“And if I do?” Ralph asked.
“I’m hoping that you’re curious enough to agree.” He was playing on Ralph’s curiosity. Once again, another gamble.
“Want to meet for dinner?” Ralph asked.
“Yes. Tomorrow night.” Ethan gave him the name of a restaurant in Miami. Of course that meant flying back there in the morning. If it worked out, it’d be worth it.
“And if tomorrow isn’t good for me?”
“Then I guess you’ll have to keep wondering what I wanted to discuss.”
“Mr. Lawson, I know the reputation of your family. That is the only reason why I’m agreeing to meet with you. But I’m a very busy man, and I hope you’re not wasting my time.”
“Trust me Mr. Sommers, you want to hear what I have to say. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Ethan ended the call.
He needed to get Ralph out of his mind right now, otherwise Kollette would know something was distracting him. He didn’t want her thinking it had anything to do with her. Looking at his watch, it was time to go pick her up.
If she finds out what I’m doing, this won’t just be our first date, it’ll be our last.
Kollette was enjoying the lobster, but Ethan seemed to be miles away. This was his idea, not hers. He shouldn’t have asked her if he really didn’t want to go. She was fine with eating in the hotel restaurant or ordering room service. But he’d gotten her hopes up that tonight was going to be…a date.
“Did you want dessert?” Ethan asked.
“No thank you,” she replied.
“I know it won’t be as good as Mabel’s, but they have chocolate cake.”
“I’m fine, thank you,” she said flatly.
Ethan waved the waitress away and then looked back at her. “Kollette, is something wrong?”
“You tell me. You hardly spoke at all during dinner. And don’t say it’s because the lobster was so good, even though it was. It’s like you…didn’t really want to be here…with me.” It even hurt to utter the words, but she told herself she was going to be honest with Ethan going forward. Even when it sucked doing so.
He reached across the table and took her hand in his. “I’m sorry Kollette. I really do want to be here with you. It’s just…I guess I’ve been a bit distracted.”
“You think? It was like I ate dinner alone.” She wasn’t being very understanding. There could be a very reasonable explanation for his lack of participation this evening. In a softer tone she asked, “Is there something you want to talk about?”
He shrugged but replied, “I’ve been thinking about the Potters.”
That was reasonable. She’d been doing that most of the day as well. “I knew when I told you about my father’s plan, you’d be…upset. But you needed to know. I was thinking maybe I should go there and tell them myself, you know, so they know what’s coming.”
“I wouldn’t do that just yet,” Ethan said.
“Why? The longer I wait, the more likely they’ll learn from someone working for my father. Won’t that be more…traumatic?” Really, there was no good way to deliver the news. The results were going to be the same. But if it was her, she’d rather hear it from a friend. “Actually, now that I think about it, maybe it would be better coming from you?”
“Me? Why is that?” he asked.
“Because they love and trust you.” It was that simple. Of course, asking him to do it might look like she was taking the coward’s way out as well. “I will go with you if you want, but you have a closer connection with them.”
“I agree. I should be the one to tell them. Although I appreciate your offer to come, it might be better if I do it alone. I’m thinking I will leave tomorrow to start working on that.”