Page 38 of The Billionaire's Deception (The Blank Check 5)
She lost the battle. A solitary tear rolled down her cheek. She brushed it away and opened her eyes to see Ethan looking at her.
“Kollette, I have a very important question for you,” he said. She nodded. Ethan asked, “What would you do if there was a way to stop that from happening?”
“I’d be thrilled. Happy for the Potters. They deserve to keep their home.”
“And what about your father?” he asked.
“I couldn’t go against him. He’s my father. But if the Potters find a way and they can, then I’m happy. I just…I can’t be in the middle. Does that make sense? Even though I disagree with my father, I still love him. He’s a good man.”
“Okay, that’s what I needed to know,” he said.
She looked at him puzzled. “Why did you ask?”
“Kollette, sometimes not knowing is the best thing.”
“Isn’t that what got us in trouble in the first place?” she asked.
“This is different. Trust me.”
“That’s what my father said about the Potters. He said for me to trust him, that they will be okay.” Kollette sighed and added, “You know he wasn’t always like this. I mean he obviously took his business seriously or he wouldn’t be so successful at it, but I mean he wasn’t so forceful in getting what he wants. When my step-mother died, it was like the best part of him died too. And even though he still has me and Connor, all he does now is work. It’s…kind of sad.”
“Loss can do that to people. And I know plenty of people who are like that even without losing someone. It’s hard sometimes to see there is something other than work. I’ve fallen into that trap myself.”
Kollette still didn’t know what he did for work, but she could see Ethan driving himself hard. “I never noticed it until I stayed at the Potters, but being there for several days opened my eyes up that I was starting to follow in his footstep. The only thing I was doing each day was searching for a way to prove my worth, gain another promotion, and for what? They were just titles. Of course the title of being unemployed isn’t one that I want either,” she declared.
“Take your time. Think about what you want to do. You don’t need a job; you need something that makes you feel fulfilled at the end of the day.”
“And hopefully it pays too, because the world functions on money.”
Ethan replied, “Not if you ask the Potters.”
“Oh wouldn’t it be nice if we could live like that?”
“I thought you said you couldn’t live without being connected to the world?” he asked.
She laughed. “Okay, so I’d like a few luxuries. But there are plenty I can do without. Lobster dinner might not be one of them,” she laughed.
“Well at least that’s something I know I can provide for you.”
“It’s a great start,” she said.
A lot better than I expected.
“What do you say I pick you up at six,” he said.
“You’re leaving already?” Kollette asked.
“I have a few things I need to take care of. Besides, it’ll give you time to put those flowers in water,” he teased.
She’d forgotten that they were still on her lap. “I think I can manage that task by six.”
“I’ll see you tonight,” he said leaning over to give her a kiss on the cheek.
As he left her alone sitting on the balcony, she leaned back on the rocker.
Don’t get too happy. The rug can still be pulled out from beneath me. Just like last time.