Page 36 of The Billionaire's Deception (The Blank Check 5)
Kollette couldn’t bring herself to take them. Sadly, right now she didn’t trust anything. Things weren’t left on a good note, and accepting flowers really wasn’t going to resolve anything. Instead she said, “I don’t think you want to give those to me.” Even if he was here to apologize for what happened at the cabin, he was going to change his mind after what she had to say.
Ethan didn’t pull the flowers back. “I wouldn’t have brought them if I didn’t. Now are you going to invite me in, or are we going to do this where everyone can hear?”
She took the flowers and stepped aside. “Thank you. They are beautiful.” It had been a long time since anyone brought her flowers. And usually they were a huge and overdone trying to impress her with some grand gesture. This wasn’t the case. These were simple, yet delicate. More her taste. “Why don’t we go sit on the back balcony?” She didn’t want to have the conversation in her hotel room, and the balcony still provided them some privacy.
“Sounds good.”
He followed her outside, but once there she realized how high they were. If things went sour, it was a long way down.
Stop it Kollette. He’s not here to hurt you.
She sat down in one of the rocking chairs and asked, “Ethan, why are you here?”
“I didn’t like the way things ended the last time we saw each other. I thought maybe we could talk. Or maybe I talk, and you listen?” he said.
Kollette was okay with that. The more she talked, the deeper in trouble she seemed to get herself lately. “Okay. I’m all ears.” Ethan got back up and started pacing as though he also didn’t know what to say. “Or we can just sit and enjoy the view.”
“That would be easier, but wouldn’t fix anything.” He sat back down. “I was an ass Kollette. I jumped all over you for doing your job, and I had no right to.”
“Of course you did. You love Roy and Mabel. You were thinking of them,” she said.
“You’re supposed to be listening,” he said. Kollette raised a finger to her lips. He continued. “I know all about business and what it takes to be successful. At no point did you lie to the Potters or to me. And I have a feeling if any of us had asked, you’d have been forthcoming.”
She wanted to believe she would. Honestly, she didn’t know. Things weren’t so easy when you’re caught between doing your job and people you care about. Where does the loyalty start and stop? If she had been working for anyone other than her father, things would’ve been so much easier.
“I hadn’t asked you any questions because I didn’t want to answer any myself as to why I was there. I had gone there to get away from everything, and finding you there had changed the feel of the place. I was already dealing with shit at work changing, I ended up taking it out on you.”
“Ethan, you really weren’t that horrible. Your eyes may have gone red a few times,” she said teasingly trying to lighten the mood. “But then again, it might have just been the reflection from the fireplace.”
“You really don’t want to talk about this do you?” he asked.
She shook her head. “I’d rather spend this time getting to know each other. Maybe start over?” She extended her hand, “Hi. I’m Kollette Sommers, currently unemployed and loving it.”
“I’m Ethan Lawson, gainfully employed, and on vacation.”
“Very nice to meet you. You’re not in law enforcement or anything are you?” she asked.
He cocked a brow. “Why? Are you about to tell me you’re thinking about doing something illegal?”
She laughed. “Sorry, but I’m a rule follower. Actually I was asking because you found me through my brother.”
“That was by accident,” he said.
“Can I go back to listening, and you can finish explaining that?” she asked.
Ethan chuckled. “If you want to talk about your brother, we can. I’d rather talk about us. Like, do you have any plans tonight?”
“Would you like to go to dinner with me?” he asked.
“I’d like that very much,” she smiled.
“Good. I know this place that has the best seafood. Oh… I should’ve asked if you like seafood first.”
“Are we talking lobster?”
“We are,” he replied.