Page 31 of The Billionaire's Deception (The Blank Check 5)
“I thought you said you’d be gone for a month,” Charles said.
“Don’t worry, I’m not coming back just yet. Only checking in. How’s everyone?” Ethan asked.
“We’re good. You know I haven’t even had a chance to speak to everyone about the changes we discussed.”
“That’s not why I called,” he stated.
Charles asked, “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah. I’m good. Actually, heading down south.”
“South America?” Charles asked.
Ethan laughed. “No. Florida.”
“What’s there?” he asked.
“I want to check out a few of their hotels.”
“You’re not supposed to be working,” Charles warned. “Or have you forgotten?”
“I’m not. This is strictly a vacation. But you know how it is. I’ll bump into someone and then you’ll eventually hear where I am.” That was a problem. Everywhere they went, someone always recognized them. At the Potters, that wasn’t an issue. Not even the deputy seemed to care who he was.
“Please don’t tell me you’re going down there for spring break. You’re a little old for those college girls,” Charles laughed.
“I’m not that old, but no, I’m not going there to party.”
“So you’re calling me to tell me…nothing. Now you have me wondering what is really going on,” Charles said.
“I told you. I’m just on vacation,” Ethan stated.
“I heard you. Maybe I should ask, with whom?”
“I met someone, but it’s nothing serious,” Ethan admitted.
“But serious enough that you want to talk to me about it. So who is she? Where did you meet?”
“Her name is Kollette. She is a manager at a hotel.”
“That’s it. There’s nothing more to tell.” At least not now. Maybe when he saw her again there would be. Or maybe it really should’ve ended when she drove away. All he knew was after his talk with Roy, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. It’d been almost a week and nothing had changed. Ethan had to go and see her again.
“Sounds like there’s some unfinished business between the two of you. Can I give you some brotherly advice?” Charles asked.
Saying no wasn’t going to stop Charles from saying it. “Sure.”
“Don’t be a stubborn-ass Lawson.”
“What the hell does that mean?” Ethan asked.
“It means we get in our own way. Little things that are inconsequential are like a wall to us.”
“Why do you think that’s the case?” Ethan asked, knowing damn well that’s what he was doing with Kollette.
“Mom and Dad had a very unusual relationship. I think growing up and seeing that instilled a…fear, that we could be like that someday. Think about it. Have you ever seen Dad happy? I mean really smiling?”