Page 12 of The Billionaire's Deception (The Blank Check 5)
“I can’t imagine all the guests are quite so helpful.”
“I wouldn’t know because I’ve never met anyone else, until now. How long will be you be staying?” he asked.
Should she tell him now? Sneaking out in the morning wasn’t going to happen. Everyone got up so early that it was impossible. “I’m planning on leaving in the morning.”
“Really? Do Mabel and Roy know?” he inquired.
“Not yet. I figured I’d mention it tomorrow. I know it’s going to sound weird, that I just got here yesterday, but I’m having a hard time thinking about what to say, instead of just saying goodbye.”
“Would it make you feel any better if I told you you’re not leaving tomorrow? Maybe not for a week either?”
“No it wouldn’t. I am leaving in the morning. There’s no reason for me to stay,” she declared.
He cocked a brow. “What does that mean?”
Oh shit!She needed to think quick. She needed something that would sound believable. Got it! “Simple. You’re here. They don’t need two guests at the same time.”
Ethan stared at her as though trying to determine if she was hiding something. Kollette forced herself to meet him in the eyes. Looking away would only make him question her further.
“For the record, I can’t leave either, even if I wanted to,” he stated.
“And why is that?” Kollette asked.
“I guess you really were busy in here with Mabel, because if you’d have looked out the window, you’d see we have almost two feet of snow and it’s still coming down.”
Her eyes widened and she rushed out the kitchen, opened the front door and went onto the porch. Even in the dark of night, she could see Ethan hadn’t been joking. “Oh my God. What am I going to do?”
Ethan must’ve followed her because she felt a warm wool blanket being draped over her shoulders. “I guess you’re going to be learning how to cook, at least until the county gets around to plowing the roads.”
Pulling the blanket more tightly around her she asked, “How long do you think that will be?”
“They won’t even start on these small roads on the mountain until it stops snowing. Roy said that won’t happen till maybe tomorrow. Is there someone waiting for you at home?”
She turned to him shocked at his question. “That is none of your business. But I wasn’t planning on staying for an indefinite amount of time.”
“Nor was I. So I guess we should make the best of it. What do you say we go back inside where it is warm and talk about it there?” he suggested.
“From what you’re saying, there’s nothing to talk about,” she said as she went back inside.
When he shut the front door Ethan said, “Of course there is.”
“Like what?” she asked, hoping he wasn’t going to suggest they get to know each other better.
“How do you feel about board games?” he said.
“Games? You want to play games?” How could he be so calm about being trapped up there? Maybe he had nothing to do back home, but that wasn’t the case for her. She had a job and although she wasn’t expected to return this quickly, she knew her father wouldn’t be disappointed if she had.
He nodded and said, “Unless you’re afraid to lose.”
She glared at him. “Let’s get this straight Ethan. I’m not afraid of anything.” Not necessarily true, but it was the dead of winter. What were the odds of a bug leaping out in front of her? “Do they have any word games?” Ethan walked over to the cupboard and when he opened it she was shocked. The Potters might not have electronic devices, but they sure liked to play games. “Guess those will keep us from getting bored.”
Ethan pulled out a game and walked back over to her. “Trust me Kollette. If you give this place a chance, you’ll find you’re anything but bored.”
She wasn’t sure if she was talking about this place or was he actually thinking that he was all that charming that she’d forget all the things this place was missing. Because that wasn’t ever going to happen.
Hate to break it to you Ethan, but as soon as the roads are cleared, I’m out of here.