Page 69 of The Billionaire's Regret (The Blank Check 4)
Charlene felt horrible not responding to Seth’s text, but it was so cold and unfeeling that she had nothing to say. We need to talk. Ha. The heck we do. Charles had been warmer than that when they spoke.
But she couldn’t avoid talking to everyone. No one had seen this coming. Her phone rang again and it was the fifth time Sofia called. She had to answer. “Hello Sofia. Yes I quit and no I don’t want to talk about it.”
“You have to talk about it. I mean, I need to know if I have to go kick my brother-in-laws ass or not,” Sofia snapped. “I mean it. If he hurt you, he’ll be sorry.”
“Seth didn’t hurt me. Actually, he’s…he’s a really good guy. It’s just…complicated.”
“Maybe it wouldn’t be if you talked to me. So, what the hell happened that you up and left? Just so you know, I even went to your apartment last night and you were already gone. I can’t believe you were leaving without coming to say goodbye,” Sofia said, sounding hurt.
“First of all, it’s not like I was leaving for good. We see each other a lot. And secondly, I didn’t run away, I just went home.”
“Ha. Of course you ran away. What else would you call it? You quit, packed up and left.”
“Well when you say it like that, it sounds like running, but it isn’t. The job just wasn’t for me,” she said hoping to leave it at that. She knew better. They were best friends for a reason, and sometimes it was annoying. Like now.
“Who gives a shit about the stupid job? Definitely not me. Tell me what happened with Seth. I thought things were going good between the two of you. I mean, you looked happy.”
“I was. I mean I am. This doesn’t have anything to do with Seth,” she lied.
“Wow. Who are you trying to convince? Me or you?” Sofia asked. “All I know is Seth isn’t in great shape.”
“What do you mean? Did something happen?” she asked. Please let him be okay.
“Dylan found him passed out drunk last night at the office. I am sure he is nursing one hell of a headache.”
That didn’t sound like Seth at all. But then again, what did she know? It was possible he drank all the time and that was his normal. It didn’t matter either way. She only planned on seeing him on special occasions that all the Lawsons attended.
“Doesn’t sound too serious to me,” Charlene said.
“Well he doesn’t drink much or often. So I would say your leaving hit him even harder than it did me. I wonder why that is? Maybe you should give him a call and see if he’s okay. Or maybe you should come back to Manhattan and talk to him in person. Or maybe…”
“Maybe you should mind your business. I made my decision. I’m not working at Lawson Steel anymore.”
“I’m not talking about the company. God, when did you get so dense? I told you before that Seth is crazy about you. His getting drunk only confirmed what I already knew. But my question to you is, why did you run? Don’t you feel the same way about him?” Sofia asked.
She sighed. I’m falling in love with him, but…but…she was running out of excuses, even for herself.
“Sofia, I made a mistake. I should’ve stayed. But it’s too late now. I quit my job, one that I don’t want back, and came home. I never should’ve left without talking to him, but I did. It’s too late to take it back.” And he must hate me for it. He’d asked her to trust him. But what did she do? Instead she gave him a reason not to trust her.
“So you’re not going to talk to him because of pride?” Sofia asked.
“No. That’s not it. It’s just…complicated.”
“So you said before. Charlene, I’m only going to say things once, and because I’m your best friend, I hope you forgive me. But damn it, you’re an idiot. If you don’t reach out to him and at least try, then you deserve to be alone. Because you’re walking out on the one man that seems to make you happy.”
Ouch.It was all true which made it even harder to hear. The tears started burning her cheeks as they flowed uncontrollably. “I’m…I’m such…a…”
“Stop it Charlene. You don’t have time to feel sorry for yourself. You have to pull it together and get your ass back to Manhattan before it’s too late. Now are you coming?”
Sobbing she said, “Yes. I’m…coming. Please…don’t tell anyone. I…I just want to… talk to…Seth.” She owed it to him and to herself as well. If he chose not to forgive her, then she’d have to live with it. Hopefully they could at least be friends. With any luck, more than that.
“I won’t tell anyone. But you better not back out. Because I know you’ll regret it forever if you do,” Sofia said.
I’m filled with regret now.
She ended the call and decided to take a quick shower before getting in the car. She needed a clear head and right now it was anything but. Hopefully on the drive she would think of what to say. Sorry didn’t feel like it was going to be enough, but it was something she definitely needed to say.