Page 67 of The Billionaire's Regret (The Blank Check 4)
She folded her hands on her lap, not knowing what else to do with them. And even then her fingers trembled. “I wanted…to talk to you about my position here.”
“Is there a problem with it?” he asked.
From the moment I started there has been.“May I be honest with you Charles?”
“I’d prefer that,” he replied.
“It’s not needed. The position I mean. And I have the feeling you know that.” She looked him square in the eyes and he didn’t deny it. “Not that I don’t appreciate you making a position for me, but I’m…I’m not happy in it either. It’s…not fulfilling.”
“Charlene, what are you trying to say?”
“That I’m leaving.”
“Lawson Steel?” he asked.
“Manhattan. I’m going back home. Not that it’s where I want to be either, but I don’t feel as though I could sit in an office all day.” The walls were going to cave in on her and eventually she’d hate it there.
“I had a feeling this was going to happen.”
“So you knew I wasn’t capable of doing the job but hired me anyway?”
Charles shook his head. “I know you could do it, but I knew you wouldn’t be happy. It’s not…you. You’re…more like Sofia.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” she stated. Charlene always admired Sofia. She was focused and driven.
“It was meant to be one. You’re both very creative. I wish I had something here that would appeal to you, because I truly believe you’d be an asset to the company.”
She smiled. “You don’t know how much that means to me. Thank you, Charles. I was worried you’d be…disappointed or upset.”
“I’m only upset in myself for setting you up to feel like you failed. If you’d like, I’ll be more than happy to write you a letter of recommendation to wherever you apply next. I’ll even call them directly if you have something in mind.”
Her eyes welled up but she fought back the tears. “I’m not sure yet. The first thing was acknowledging this wasn’t for me.”
“It’s a standing offer. Just call me any time. And Charlene, you should be very proud of yourself for what you have done. Seth told me how you handled the calls that came in. Most people would’ve said wrong number and hung up. You didn’t. And those people should be grateful to you for that.”
They had no idea how lucky they were that Larry had decided to mess with her then. It might have actually saved their lives because some of those places were barely standing.
“Maybe I’ll look for something in that field.”
“I think you’ll be very successful at whatever you decide to do.”
She got up and said, “Can I ask for one favor?”
“Of course.”
“Don’t tell anyone I’m gone until the end of the day. I don’t want to make it awkward for anyone.”
“Are you referring to anyone in particular?”
Just the one man I think I could love.“No. Just want to make a graceful exit.”
Charles got up and walked around his desk. Unexpectedly, he gave her a hug. “Don’t be a stranger. You’re like family to us. You’re always welcome.”
She almost lost it then. Choking back the tears she gave him a quick squeeze before leaving his office. Then she grabbed her coat and purse and headed to the elevator. It wouldn’t be long before she was on her way home. There were just a few suitcases to grab at her apartment, and that was it.
The only thing I’m leaving behind is my heart.
“What the fuck do you mean she quit?” Seth snapped at Charles.