Page 63 of The Billionaire's Regret (The Blank Check 4)
“Why don’t you let me finish,” Sal said firmly. “Do you remember him?”
“No. I don’t think so. Why?”
“Because you seemed to have left a lasting impression on him. One that is very…unhealthy.”
“So this guy Larry had a crush on me over ten years ago. What does this have to do with me now?”
“More than you’d think. He works in the city now at a print shop. When Lawson Steel placed an order for business cards for you, with your business phone line on it, I guess Larry decided it was time for pay back.”
“Wait. Back up. What did I do to Larry for him to hold such a grudge?”
“Freshman year. He asked you to the prom, but you went with a senior on the football team.”
“That’s it? I said no for a date?” Charlene shook her head. “And he never forgave me for that?”
“I spoke to him this morning. It appears that Larry never asked anyone out before or after you.”
“Well it sounds like I made a smart choice by declining him back then. The guy sounds like he has some…issues.” Charlene wasn’t some movie star or famous person who anyone would stalk or love from a distance. She was just like everyone else in school, just a bit more chatty.
“I would agree with that. But when he saw your name again, he decided to make you miserable.”
“Larry said you were the one who always smiled no matter what. He wanted to see if you could through this. I guess he thought it would cause you to get fired.”
“What did he do?” Charlene still couldn’t put all the pieces together.
“When your business cards were sent he decided to take some of his other clients and put your number on their communications. As you can guess, he chose people who own rundown apartment buildings. Your number is on flyers, letters and who knows what else. Good news is, that it’s an easy fix. Your office line number will be changed. You’ll have new business cards printed, not by Larry, and you should be all set going forward.”
That was great, if she was staying. But she’d already made up her mind. She didn’t belong here. What did she have to bring to them besides her smile? But she wasn’t going to tell Sal any of this. Charles hired her and she was going to meet with him later and deliver the news. No one else needed to be involved.
“Thank you for letting me know. I can’t believe that someone would go through all this trouble because I said no to a prom.”
“Obviously Larry has other issues, and it just happened to be your name that he fixated on. I guess you should consider yourself lucky that his revenge was done in this way and not something…more direct.”
Charlene shuddered with the thought of what could’ve happened. “I guess you’re right. But Sal, I honestly don’t even remember who he is, or what he looks like. That’s what is so scary.”
“I know. But none of this was your fault. Larry needs help and Lawson Steel will be making sure he gets it.”
“I guess that’s good for him.”
“It is. I thought I’d stop here and talk to you before updating Seth.”
“Maybe you can wait on that. I mean, there is no rush right?”
Sal cocked a brow. “I would’ve thought you’d want Seth to know. Is there a problem between the two of you?”
“No. It’s just that he’s very busy today and why trouble him with something like this?”
“I would think he would want to know. You’re not embarrassed about this are you? I told you that you didn’t do anything to bring this on.”
“I know, but…but can’t it wait one day? Please? It won’t make any difference. Not at this point,” she pleaded. Not to anyone but me.
Sal sat there staring at her. “I have no idea why you’re asking me to do this.”
“Maybe I just need a day to soak in what you just told me. After all, it’s been a bumpy ride since I started. First Mr. Sheen, and now Larry. Things like this don’t happen back home.”
“Actually they do.”