Page 6 of The Billionaire's Regret (The Blank Check 4)
“That’s a possibility. Never really gave it much thought. So who else is there? Oh yeah. Jordan is number three. If you think Seth is hard to figure out, wait till you get to know him. He’s a blend of Charles and Gareth.”
“Oh yes. Gareth is wonderful. Great sense of humor,” she said smiling.
“It figures you’d appreciate that about him. But actually he’s one tough ass guy.”
“Gareth? Why do you say that? He’s so…sweet.”
“He runs his own business in a foreign country known for…conflict. If he was sweet, they’d crush him, or worse.”
Guess there was still so much to learn about them, besides their names. “Okay, Gareth, badass. Who am I missing?”
“Ethan. He flies under the radar. Hell, twenty years on the police force and I still can’t figure Ethan out.”
“Maybe I will,” she joked.
“Just concentrate on doing your job.”
“Sal will you answer me honestly?” He nodded. “Do you think I’m in over my head with this job?”
Sal stopped and looked down at her. “Charlene, Charles hired you. He wouldn’t have done so if he didn’t think you were up to the task.”
“Even if I’m friends with his sister-in-law?” she asked.
“That probably worked against you. But he hired you anyway. So whatever it is he sees in you, you need to find that within yourself too.”
That was the confident booster she needed. This new type of relationship she had. “Thanks Sal. Oh, I didn’t ask, how is Rori? Has she settled into living in Manhattan?”
“Her business is booming. I’m not sure she has slowed down long enough to do anything except pass out when she gets home.”
“Sounds like the move was a good choice.”
Sal shrugged. “Rori is out to prove to everyone she can do it.”
“What’s wrong with that?” Charlene asked. She was doing the same thing.
“She has nothing to prove to me and I worry about her burning herself out.”
Charlene could see the concern in him. “Then maybe you should tell her. Because the woman who I got to know back home only wanted to impress you.”
Sal smiled and said, “That she does, without even trying.”
“She’s good for you Sal. You seem so much more…”
“Happy?” he stated.
“That too, but I was going to say, settled.”
“I guess I am. But I’m also going to be late for a meeting with Charles if I stay here talking to you any longer.”
“Thanks again Sal.” He turned and headed in the opposite direction leaving her standing in front of her office. Her heart started to race as she saw her name on the glass door. Lifting her hand she let her fingers glide over it. Charlene Kittredge. Public Relations.
She thought about Sal’s words about not needing to prove anything to anyone. That was great for Rori. She had Sal who loved her just the way she was. But Charlene was single. No one was there to back her up if she failed. Charles had given her this opportunity and she was going to do everything in her power to do it right.
Opening the door she walked into her office and sat behind the desk. No better time than the present.
First thing on her list was to email each brother with an introduction of who she was and how she looked forward to working with them and how her door was always open for any questions or concerns they may have. When she hit send, she looked up and noticed her door was actually closed. Although she loved seeing her name on it, she decided it best to prop it open. With any luck, someone would stop in. First days were always tough, and she surely didn’t want to spend hers sitting there alone.
Before she had the chance to even consider what her next step would be, her office line rang.