Page 59 of The Billionaire's Regret (The Blank Check 4)
“That’s a first. But a good thing too, because they are in the car.”
“You mean the ones that were in your glove box?” she asked. “Because there might be a problem.”
“And what would that be?”
“I ate the last one,” she said softly. “They are worse than potato chips. Once you start, you can’t stop.”
“I have no idea how someone who eats like you is so skinny.”
Charlene put her hands on her hips and said, “I am not skinny. Look at my hips.” Then she turned around and said, “And my butt isn’t that small either.”
Seth was taking in the view. “I see nothing wrong with either,” he declared. Actually they’re perfect.
“You’re just being nice,” she said.
Seth walked over to her and said, “Trust me Charlene, there isn’t anything nice going through my head right now.”
“Really? Care to share what those thoughts are?”
Pulling her into his arms he said, “If you don’t mind, I’d much rather show you.”
Charlene placed her hands on his shoulders and said, “I hope you have a lot to say.” Her lips parted as if she wanted to say something more, but instead her tongue traced her lips and he was lost.
He wanted to devour her, but instead he placed a light and playful kiss upon her lips, as his tongue teased, before pulling away.
In a deep, husky voice he said, “I’ve wanted to do that since I saw you in the lobby.”
“Was…there…anything you wanted to tell me?” she asked in a very sexy tone.
“You’re playing with fire Charlene. I want you, and holding back isn’t easy,” Actually very uncomfortable. “If I tell you any more…”
“Seth, has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?” Charlene said, pulling herself up higher in his arms. “Now are you going to kiss me again, or bring me home?”
He brushed his lips against hers, not wanting to rush anything, but definitely wanted to let her know, he wasn’t ready to bring her home either. Seth continued to place feather-light kisses on each corner of her mouth. He wanted to savor every moment.
Yet when he felt a shiver run through her body and Charlene moan against his lips, he needed to pull away. She was teasing him, telling him she wanted this, but was she sure? He didn’t want her to have any regrets in the morning.
He cupped her chin with both hands, lifting her face so their eyes met again. “Charlene, do you know how beautiful you are?” She only smiled up at him, but her eyes darkened with hunger. One I hope to satisfy. “I could kiss you all night, and if I don’t stop now, I just might.”
“Seth, why don’t we take this conversation someplace…more comfortable?”
She had a point. Although his table was the right height for certain things, he sure as hell didn’t want to sit her on top of it. Maybe one day, but not tonight.
“Charlene, are you sure? Because if you want, we can go and sit by the fire and watch the snow fall through the window instead.” He couldn’t believe he was once again giving her an out. Charles had gotten into his head. All that warning about hurting her was now making him second guess his advances. If Charlene even gave him the slightest hint she didn’t want this as much as he did, he’d back off completely. Even though my cock won’t like me, at least she still would.
She leaned in close, nipped his earlobe, then said, “I’m not cold. And I’ve seen plenty of snow over the years.”
Slipping an arm beneath her legs, he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the living room. He knew she said she wasn’t cold, but he wanted to see her naked body by the light of the fire. When he stopped by the thick lush white rug, he loosened his grip, but only slightly. Her feet still not touching the floor required to her cling to him.
“You have no idea how hard it’s been keeping my hands off you.”
She replied, “I feel the same way.” She raised a hand to his cheek and added, “But we don’t need to fight it any longer.”
No we don’t.
This time he had protection in his wallet. But he was glad they had waited, even just one day. When his lips found hers this time, there was no holding back. The raw passion that had filled him now was being unleashed. She must’ve felt it as a moan escaped her lips and she clung to him as though he was sucking the strength right out of her.