Page 30 of The Billionaire's Regret (The Blank Check 4)
As she stepped onto the curb, a gust of cold air enveloped her. This might not have been the smartest thing to do. It wasn’t like she could walk to her apartment, but she couldn’t stand sitting in that vehicle one second longer.
The city was still decorated for Christmas, even though it had passed. She’d take a stroll and window shop for a bit, then decide what she wanted to do from there. Before she even made her way through the crowd, a limo pulled up, and paced her. The window rolled down and a man’s voice called out. “Miss Kittredge. Come here.”
She tried to place the man’s voice, but couldn’t. Could it be one of Seth’s brothers? If so, why would they bark orders at her like that? There was only one way to find out who it was. She approached the open window and peered into the dark vehicle.
“Can I help you?” she asked.
“Get inside,” he ordered.
Charlene might not be new to living in the city, but she didn’t just crawl out from under a rock. No way in hell was she getting in any vehicle, not even a limo, just because someone used a demanding tone. She almost turned and walked away, but then remembered how the taxi driver spoke to her. She was so done with it all today.
“I don’t know who you think you’re talking to, but you’ve lost your mind if you think I’m getting inside.”
“Listen you bitch. This was not a request,” he growled out.
Charlene adjusted her angle and finally she saw the face that went along with the voice. Mr. Sheen. Her legs trembled knowing he not only spotted her but actually pulled over. Why?
“Mr. Sheen, I am not going anywhere with you,” she turned to walk away when she heard the door opening.
Her heart raced and Charlene didn’t want her back to him. How could she protect herself if she couldn’t see what was coming? When she spun around, she lost her footing on a small piece of ice. She tried to steady herself, but her ankle went one way and her foot the other. Pain instantly shot up her right leg and down she went, landing hard on the cold cement.
Thankfully she didn’t hit her head, but her backside was going to be sore for days. People continued to walk around her, which in a way, she was thankful for. At least they weren’t stepping on her. But she needed a hand up. Her ankle was throbbing. The person who stood in front of her wasn’t someone she wanted any help from.
“You cost me a lot of money. I don’t forget. Remember that Miss Kittredge,” he said before turning and heading back to his limo.
He never offered his assistance. It only proved her initial feelings about him. He was a vile man. Seth never said why he severed their business relationship, but Charlene was glad he had.
Trying again to get up, she found she couldn’t put any weight on her foot. She needed to get to the hospital. Charlene didn’t think it was broken, but definitely sprained. She needed help. The one person she knew she could call was Sofia. But she couldn’t ask Sofia to come out in this cold weather with the baby. No way was she calling Seth either. He’d told her he was busy all day Friday. She couldn’t call him now. It’d look like she was trying to see him tonight even though he’d told her no.
Another pedestrian was kind enough to help her to her feet, but she wasn’t going to be walking anywhere on this foot. There was one person she knew she could call. Someone who would come.
Pulling out her cell she dialed his number.
“Hi Charlene, what’s up?”
“Sal, I need your help. Please come.”
“What’s the matter?” he asked.
She explained about her ankle but left out the part about Mr. Sheen. Charlene needed to watch what she said. Sal wouldn’t keep something like that to himself and she wasn’t ready for it to get back to Seth. It wasn’t like Mr. Sheen had threatened Lawson Steel, but it sure felt like he had threatened her.
Sal had told her he was on the road and would be there in ten minutes. When standing, more like leaning, against a pole, ten minutes felt like an eternity. But it sure was better than her other option. Walking on it.
When Sal pulled up, she noticed he wasn’t alone. Damn it. She knew Seth had plans, she never thought they were with Sal. They both leapt from the car and started assessing her. Seth had dropped to one knee looking over her ankle.
“It’s not broken,” she said.
“Didn’t know you were a doctor,” he replied. Then Seth said, “Sal, I’m going to get in first, then I want you to put her on my lap.”
“I’m not sitting on you Seth. I just need a ride to the hospital.”
“And we’re it,” Seth said.
It figured that Sal had shown up in a two seat sports car. But that wouldn’t have been such an issue if he’d been alone.
“You can just stay with me until I can get a taxi.” Someplace that I can sit in.
“We’re not waiting. Sal, help me get her in.”