Page 14 of The Billionaire's Regret (The Blank Check 4)
Sofia entered the room again with Liliana in her arms. “I want to know too. I mean, for Liliana’s sake of course.”
“What does my status have to do with my niece?” Seth inquired.
“Everything. Your children will be playing with her. It’d be nice if they were a bit closer in age.”
“Hey, I’m not even dating anyone. Let’s not start planning when I’m having kids,” Seth said firmly.
She couldn’t believe he wasn’t seeing anyone. He was extremely handsome. His only flaw that she noticed was his hundred percent focus on work. No one can live like that. Work was great, but all it was at the end of the day was a job. It couldn’t love you back. Everyone, even Seth, deserved that.
I know there is someone out there for him.
Sofia might have told her match making wasn’t her thing, but Charlene wasn’t about to give up on it. If she could find someone for Seth, the almighty confirmed bachelor, then that would prove to Sofia that this wasn’t a foolish dream. She really had the gift, just like Maria Marciano, just less pushy.
Sofia had a family now and Charlene couldn’t be hanging around all the time. This would give her something to do when she wasn’t working. It was going to be a lot harder to pull it off without Seth catching on. Charlene looked at him out of the corner of her eye.
Challenge accepted. Prince Charms in Your Arms, here I come.
Seth couldn’t remember a time he was so relaxed at Dylan’s home. He’d thought they would eat and take off immediately after. Somehow Charlene had talked them into playing a game. It was a cross between twenty questions and charades. He had assumed Charlene was going to ask him to be her partner. Shockingly, she snagged Sofia instead, girls against guys. At first it sounded ideal, until the game commenced. Then he realized they were no match for those ladies.
Losing wasn’t something Seth was used to, not in business or his personal life. This might have just been a friendly game, but they didn’t just lose, they got their asses beat. He was sure this trouncing would be brought up again, and he was going to regret ever playing. He’d let her enjoy this win. Not that he wanted a rematch. He just hoped this was the only game she was trying to play with him. Because anything else, wasn’t going to end well for her.
She wanted to prove herself to him. He was fine with that. It only meant that she was going to work harder. He appreciated that in an employee. Of course, he didn’t normally give them a ride home.
He looked over at her, and she was still staring out the passenger window. It was a miracle, because she appeared to be all talked out.
Or am I getting the silent treatment again? Damn!
He didn’t have the energy for games. If she wanted to ignore him the entire way to her apartment, that worked for him.
A car ran a red light and pulled out in front of his Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita. The good news about a precision vehicle, was its ability to respond to emergencies like this. Seth stretched an arm out in front of Charlene and slammed on the brakes. The screeching of the tires was drowned out by her scream as her body jolted forward. He was glad his arm was there to brace her.
“Asshole!” he growled out. Then turned to her and asked, “Are you okay?”
Charlene looked around and seemed stunned as though trying to get her bearings. “Where…what…what happened?” she asked.
“Someone ran the light. But we’re okay,” he said. She still seemed dazed. “At least I think we are. Are you okay? You seem kind of out of it?”
“You could say that’s not the most calming way to be woken up,” Charlene said rubbing her eyes. “I can’t believe I even fell asleep.”
That explained why she was quiet. But did she find him that boring that she’d rather sleep? Who cares as long as she’s okay.
“If you’re sure you’re alright, we’ll continue. If not, I’ll bring you to the hospital,” Seth stated.
“Seth, your arm provided the perfect barrier to the dashboard. However, I will tell you, all those hours in the gym doesn’t exactly make your arm any softer.” He watched as she ran her hands over her chest. “I wouldn’t be surprised if my ribs are sore in the morning.”
The expression on her face said she wasn’t joking. “That’s it. We’re going to the hospital.”
Charlene grabbed he arm to stop him from putting the car back in gear. “Absolutely not. This wasn’t a car accident. Heck, I’ve gotten more bruises from falling down a flight of stairs.”
“That’s not the point. You could be hurt, broken ribs, I need to make sure you’re okay,” he declared.
She smiled at him and said, “Don’t worry Seth. It’s not like I’m going to sue you. Actually, I should be thanking you.” Her hand lingered on his arm and she gave him a gentle squeeze. “Just one request.”
“Get me home before anything else happens. I don’t want my boss thinking I’m a slacker when he catches me sleeping at my desk.”
He knew she was talking about Charles. Did she realize that he was her boss as well? Since she didn’t remove her hand, he assumed she’d forgotten that part. He gave her the reminder. “Don’t worry, I won’t.”