Page 12 of The Billionaire's Regret (The Blank Check 4)
“Yup. I am. If it wasn’t for me you’d have chickened out on going for the part in that play.”
“I thought you told me it was all fate that he and I met?” Sofia asked.
Charlene said smugly, “That’s what I wanted you to believe.”
Sofia chuckled. “Is this how you worked Charles to get the job too?”
With a shrug she replied, “Maybe. But I’d like to think it was more than just my charm.” She still really wasn’t sure what she’d done correctly, but whatever it was, she’d better figure it out quickly. She might need it again to keep her job. “If he didn’t hire me, I had a backup plan.”
“And what was that?” she asked.
“Match making.”
Sofia fell back against the couch laughing so hard she was holding her sides. “Please tell me you’re joking.”
Charlene didn’t know what was so funny. “No I wasn’t.” Sofia laughed even harder and Charlene asked. “Is it really that hard to believe?”
“I think…’ve been talking to my mother too much,” Sofia said, barely choking out the words.
“I am nothing like your mother,” Charlene said firmly. Not that it was meant to be an insult, but Maria Marciano was…Damn it. She’s right. “Okay. Point taken. I’m not a match maker. So I better make sure I don’t blow it at Lawson Steel. Any advice?” She knew Sofia always had some.
“Yes I do.”
“And what is it?” She prepared herself for a long, complicated list.
“Believe in yourself,” Sofia said reaching over and taking hold of Charlene’s hand. “You wouldn’t have gotten the job if you weren’t qualified.”
That probably was the hardest thing for Charlene to do. She could build up others, but when it came to herself, she had insecurities. For damn good reasons too. Horrible at picking the right guys, and when it came to work she wasn’t any better. Her resume proved there wasn’t any longevity at any of them. That made her still question how the heck she nailed this job. And how am I going to keep it.
She forced a smile and said, “Got it. Believe in myself. Now I believe that is your daughter saying she’s hungry.”
“Or wet, or worse.” Sofia said with a sigh getting up from the couch.
“I better get going. Dylan will be getting home soon and I don’t want to…”
“You’re not in the way,” Sofia said. “We love having you over.”
“I know. But Dylan now has to see me at work too,” she replied.
“It’s not like you’re working with him every minute. Besides, that’s him now. Too late to sneak out,” Sofia said as the door opened.
Charlene turned around to find Dylan wasn’t alone. Seth was with him. Awkward. Now she really regretted not leaving earlier. Getting up she said, “Hi guys. I was just leaving.”
“No she wasn’t,” Sofia called out as she headed out the room for Liliana.
“Avoiding me or Seth?” Dylan asked teasingly.
Both.“Ha. That’s hard to do since we work together.”
“Ouch. That’s bad and it’s only your first day. Seth can be a bit…dry to be around. Give him time, he’ll loosen up,” Dylan said.
Don’t count on it.“I really was just about to leave.”
“Might as well stay since you didn’t get to eat lunch earlier,” Sofia said as she returned with her daughter. Charlene could feel Seth’s eyes on her and she forced herself to look away. Oh Sofia, I’m going to get you back for this. “Seth can give you a ride home after dinner,” Sofia continued. Charlene turned around and gave Sofia a warning look, and Sofia had to know what it meant. They had been friends too long for her not to. But Sofia just grinned and added, “What? You rather take the bus than a ride from Seth?”
“Sofia, it’s not that. He’s a very busy man,” Charlene stated. Words he’d said too often to her earlier.
Sofia looked at Seth and said, “You better be nice. She’s my best friend.”