Page 48 of The Billionaire's Scandal (The Blank Check 3)
“Why don’t you ask if you can go too?” Janet suggested.
She shook her head. The last time she spoke to Dylan, she felt guilty, as though she was the one who put Gareth in the hospital. Deep down inside she knew that wasn’t the truth, but she wasn’t ready to see Dylan right now. How could she defend herself from what she didn’t understand? Why was Dylan so angry that Gareth wanted to stay in Tabiq?
“It’s not my place, Janet. Besides, I’m leaving too.”
“I know. Ziva told me. You’re going to be missed here.”
“No one even knows my name,” Brooke stated. Right now she didn’t care.
“That is what you believe. The Tabiqian people keep to themselves, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care. It is a form of protection. Yet when they learned of your accident, many came to me to see if there was anything they could do for you.”
She smiled. “Please tell them thank you. And I’m glad you told me. I’m going to miss New Hope very much. But with everything going on, I need to be home.” She didn’t bother telling Janet or anyone else what her mother had said.
“As you requested, your belongings have been packed and you have a ticket for the plane leaving tonight.” Janet handed her the ticket. “But if you change your mind, you’re welcome to stay.”
“I know. But I won’t.” Gareth wasn’t the only one who had some healing to do. Saying goodbye to him, especially in this condition, was like a knife to her heart. “I better get back inside. I don’t have much time with him before they move him.” She turned to walk back to Gareth’s hospital room but stopped. She turned back again and rushed over to Janet. Giving her a tight squeeze, she said, “Thank you for everything. You’ve been a good friend to me while I’ve been here.”
“And I hope we stay friends for a long time,” Janet said.
Brooke sniffed back the tears that once again threatened to flow. She’d cried so much in the last few hours that there shouldn’t be any left. But there seemed to be an endless supply.
When she walked back into the hospital room, the doctor was there. She expected him to ask her to leave, but he didn’t. Brooke sat quietly in the chair watching and listening to everything they did. She had to admit, they were giving Gareth the best care they could here. But she was happy he was leaving. Logan had done some amazing things setting up this hospital, and the staff was spot on. But even back home, a staph infection was serious. That on top of the injuries and loss of blood scared her. This couldn’t be the last time she was going to see him. It can’t be.
She didn’t want to be in the way as they prepared him to travel. She looked at the clock and knew Dylan would be arriving any time. She didn’t want to be here when he showed up. His last words still stung.
Getting up, she walked over and softly asked the doctor, “Would it be okay if I spoke to him once more before I leave?”
He stepped out of the way. “Of course. I’m a believer that some people can still hear when they are sedated.”
Brooke smiled at him. I really hope that’s true. She stepped to the side of the bed and, once again, placed her hand inside his limp one. “Gareth, it’s me, Brooke. They are going to be taking you home now. Dylan is almost here. I know you’ll be okay.” She leaned over and whispered in his ear. “I’ll never forget you. You’ll always be in my heart.” I love you.
It was the first time she’d ever said those words to a man, and she hadn’t even been able to utter them out loud. Brooke gave his hand a gentle squeeze before placing a kiss on his forehead. She didn’t want to leave him like that. It felt as though she was abandoning him, and she’d promised to be there. She had thought for sure he’d wake up and everything would be okay. But it wasn’t. And she needed to step aside.
There was no doubt he’d have all the love and support he needed back with his family. It just wouldn’t be hers.
Brooke stepped away from the bed, her hand trembling. “Thank you for everything you did for him.”
“I only work to heal the body. You were here for his spirit. Do not discredit how valuable you have been in his recovery.”
Recovery? That was a word of hope. She wasn’t going to let it go. Giving him a quick nod, Brooke left the hospital room for the last time. Each step was like a piece of her heart breaking. There was nothing she could do to change it.
As she walked through the main doors, she saw a black SUV pull up and a man jump out. There was no doubt in her mind it was Dylan. As he stormed past her, it was as though he never saw her there. It saved her the trouble of introducing herself and confirmed her decision to leave.
Brooke walked across the parking lot and got into the vehicle Janet had waiting for her with her belongings. She was leaving Tabiq. Leaving Gareth. Leaving a piece of myself.