Page 40 of The Billionaire's Scandal (The Blank Check 3)
Gareth smiled down at her. “I noticed that at the lounge. This is homemade ginger ale infused with fresh strawberries.” It was one of the few requests he had made.
Her eyes watered, and he hoped that meant she was happy. Brooke raised her glass and said, “To thoughtfulness. May it never go out of style.”
Gareth took another sip but he really wanted to taste it on her. “Let’s eat before it gets cold.” And before I can’t think any more.
They spent the next hour actually enjoying not just the food, but getting to know each other better. It amazed him the places Brooke had traveled. She really was an adventurous one. But she wasn’t wild or spontaneous. Each place had been carefully thought through. Just by listening to her, he knew she was brilliant.
“Your parents must be very proud of you,” he said.
“I’d like to think so. They are loving and supportive of my choices, but proud, I’m not sure. I think they secretly hope someday I’ll settle down and stay in one place. I’m sure you feel a similar vibe from your parents as well.”
Gareth laughed. “My mother, yes. My father is a different story. He strictly thinks in terms of what would bring the company more success.”
“That’s horrible. There is so much more to life than money. If I wanted money, I’d stay home instead of living my dream.”
“What would you be doing at home? An office job? I’m sure they pay more than a waitress makes.”
“I’m not sure what I’d do. Actually I think I’d be bored silly. Imagine going to the same job every day for years. I couldn’t do it.” She huffed. “I know it sounds childish, but there is so much beauty in this world, and I want to see and learn all about it. Every place has its own culture, good and bad, but when I leave, I hope I have taken the best part if it back home with me.”
“That explains why you’re such an extraordinary woman,” Gareth said with sincerity. He noticed her cheeks pinken.
“Do you know you’re the only person who can make me blush?”
He cocked a brow. “Really? Why is that?”
Brooke shook her head. “I wish I knew. I’m not sure if it’s what you say, how you say it, or maybe . . .”
“How I make you feel?” he asked. She nodded. “Brooke, I hadn’t talked to you about it when I made the arrangements.”
“What are you worried about, Gareth? Everything has been perfect,” she said, looking puzzled.
It really was. Never before had he enjoyed the company of a woman when it didn’t involve sex. He’d done everything he could to make tonight special, but was it enough? Should he ask for a second room? Should he sleep on the floor? It was presumptuous of him to assume she wanted to share a bed with him. All the indications said yes, but . . .
“Gareth, is something wrong?” Brooke asked.
He reached over and stroked her hand with his. “You’re right. Everything has been perfect.” I just don’t want to screw it up. “I know we have one room, but if you’re not ready, changed your mind, or if I misread this, tell me. We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
Brooke smiled. “Gareth, I knew exactly what you were inviting me for. If I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t be here. Or have you forgotten, I’m the one who invited you to my room last night for dinner. Granted, it didn’t work out, but tonight is a new night.”
“Then what do you say we call it a night and finish this discussion upstairs?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” Brooke said, leaning over to kiss him briefly.
I don’t want to love you. But damn, Brooke, you’re making it difficult.
Gareth’s pulse raced, and his cock ached to break free from the confines of his jeans. He’d fought the urge to pull her into his arms all through dinner. Every part of her seemed to tease him: her eyes, her smile, and that damn cute laugh.
Never had he wanted anyone as much as he wanted Brooke. It actually had caused him physical pain to hold back. But he didn’t care if it was an hour, a day, or a year, he’d respect her decision. Even though he wanted her, he also respected her.
But as they made their way back up the winding staircase, he wanted to scoop her up into his arms and carry her into the bedroom. He had only a sample of the passion living deep within her. I want it all. He wanted to submit to the overwhelming need building in him, but instead he guided her to their room.
When they entered, it was different than before. The fresh gardenias that were scattered all over the balcony were also in the bedroom, along with more candles. He couldn’t have planned a more romantic setting if he’d tried. Although he wanted to see if she noticed, the hard bulge pressing against his zipper didn’t care about flowers, or anything else. I need to taste more than just those sweet lips of yours and I need to now.
“Gareth, it’s beautiful, but I . . . I . . .” Her lips opened, as her tongue darted out, and he felt like a man drowning. “There’s nothing more beautiful than looking at you.”
Did she know the torture she was putting him through? Did she ache for him like he did for her? Fuck it! There was one way to find out.
He moaned, knowing he couldn’t hold back any longer. As his lips met hers, everything within him ignited. Brooke’s hunger couldn’t be denied as she met him with equal intensity. She opened to him, and his tongue eagerly tasted what she had to offer. Their tongues danced, sucking and nipping each other. Both gasping to catch their breath, neither willing to break their connection.