Page 3 of The Billionaire's Scandal (The Blank Check 3)
Nice.She needed to remind herself he was a guest and she was not to fraternize with them. No matter how tempting they were. But she wasn’t flirting. Brooke was only providing him with valuable information. If she learned that he was there by himself, it was because he chose to share it.
“There are many people, not just couples, attending. It’s a great way to start your vacation.”
“You know this from experience?” he asked.
“No. I haven’t personally been, but I hear the other guests raving about it.”
“Then I’d very much like it if you join me.”
Her eyes widened and her heart raced. What was she supposed to say? She knew she wanted to jump at the offer, but what if Drake found out? There was no way he wouldn’t. The staff would surely see her, and it would be talked about and then she’d be . . . fired.
“Although that’s a very sweet offer, I cannot accept it.”
“Don’t like clams?” Gareth asked. “Or maybe it’s me.”
She smirked. “Both appealing, but there is a company policy about not . . . getting personal with any guest.” She thought that had been very tactfully said. Mom would be impressed. Her mother had driven manners into her along with the art of saying no in a polite way.
“Damn. We have the same policy where I work. But I’ve learned there is always a work-around. Are there any rules against you attending the clam bake and happening to bump into me and maybe just happening to share a table?”
“No tables, but blankets. And I don’t believe there are any rules against that.”
Gareth smiled. “Great. Then it’s not a date. And I hope to see you there tonight. I’ll be sure to bring a blanket big enough for two. Enjoy your afternoon, Brooke.”
Her mouth gaped open as Gareth left before she could decline. It was a brief encounter, but she learned a lot about him. Whoever Gareth was, she knew he wasn’t a rule follower, and he was used to getting what he wanted. He might be very easy on the eyes, but that man was . . . dangerous. Maybe not in a violent way, but in the way her mother warned her about. A heartbreaker.
Janet, her immediate supervisor approached. “Hi, Brooke. I really hate to ask, but we’re short-staffed tonight. Would you be willing to pull a double? I’ll make sure you are very well compensated.”
And there was her out without having to explain why she stood Gareth up. Smiling, she said, “You know me, always happy to help.”
She could feel Janet eying her. “A little mishap?”
“You could say that. I believe we might have a guest who is less than pleased with me right now.”
Janet laughed. “I can almost guess which one too. Drake asked me to keep my eye on him.”
“High maintenance?” Brooke asked.
“Not really sure. Drake was vague. That’s not unusual for him though. You know the saying.”
“You know what you need to know. I heard the speech.” For the most part, it worked for her. It kept her out of any drama.
Janet snickered. “It’s funny, because people from Tabiq don’t want to know anything. They don’t ask questions either. They come, do their job, and go home. I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to that.”
“Me neither. But you have to admit, they are hard workers, and I doubt they ever dumped a frozen drink on a guest,” Brooke admitted.
“That’s because they keep their distance. I understand why, but New Hope has been open for a few years now; you would think they’d have loosened up,” Janet said. “Guess it’s going to take a lot more than a job to get them to come around.”
“Is it a cultural thing?” Brooke asked.
Janet shrugged. “It’s funny. I can tell there’s something holding them back, but I can’t put my finger on it. When I ask someone, it’s like a wall goes up and that person usually quits. Now I just manage and have stopped asking. Really, as long as New Hope is successful and the guests are happy, my job is done. Speaking of that, we both better get back to ours. It’s going to be a busy night. Thanks again for filling in. I owe you, Brooke.”
“No problem.” Brooke bent over and finished cleaning up the last remnants of the drink that remained on the floor. Janet was right about one thing, it was going to be a long night, because it’d already been a long day. But at least I won’t be anywhere near the beach. She never thought that would be something she was looking forward to.