Page 27 of The Billionaire's Scandal (The Blank Check 3)
“You don’t plan that. It just happens. I told you the way I met Vinny.”
“Yes you did, maybe ten times,” Brooke teased. “By the way, it’s a very romantic story. I think you should write a book about it someday.”
Janet laughed. “I’m no author.”
“No, but I bet Vinny would be happy to give you a lot of material for that book.” Brooke loved watching Janet blush. It was nice to see happily married couples. Some of her friends had married. Happy was not a word she would use to describe them. Then again, their reason for marriage wasn’t the same either. It was all about status and money. Joining forces to create an empire. But where was the love? The passion? Nope. Only dollar signs. Maybe that was what kept Brooke moving around so much. She didn’t want to end up like them.
“Just remember, this romantic love story you’re talking about wasn’t planned. They never are. One minute you’re happy in your life and not looking to change a thing, then bam, some sexy man comes along and sweeps you off your feet. You don’t even know it’s happening until it’s too late. You’re in love.”
Brooke leaned back in her chair. She didn’t get enough sleep for all this . . . joyfulness so early. “Janet, how did we get on this subject?”
“You were telling me about Gareth, and I guess I was—”
“Running off on a tangent and about to plan my wedding. I think I’d rather have the written warning right now.” Brooke snickered.
“Don’t try to pretend like you’re not interested in him. I’ve seen the way you look at him.”
Brooke crossed her arms. “I don’t remember ever bumping into you when we were together.”
“Exactly. Because when you’re with him, the world around you seems to vanish. It was a few days ago, and you were on the beach. I gave you the afternoon off. I worried that you might not be heeding my advice and actually relaxing. I was wrong. You two were all cozy on the blanket.”
“We were having lunch.”
“I saw that. But trust me, Brooke, I see people all the time. You like him. Why won’t you admit it?”
Because it doesn’t matter. He’s leaving.“Janet, I’m not here to meet someone.”
“And I don’t believe he is either.” That was the truth. It wasn’t as though he asked her to his room last night. She would’ve said no, but he could’ve tried. I want him to want me so I can say no? That’s so screwed up. No, that wasn’t it. She was afraid of getting attached. Then when he left, it would hurt like hell. It was better not to know what she would be missing.
“For someone so well-traveled, you are horrible with relationships.”
“I’ve dated.”
“But when was the last time you dated someone like Gareth?”
“I don’t—”
“Date handsome sexy men? Why?” Janet asked.
“No. I don’t date men with money,” Brooke blurted.
Janet cocked her head. “I wasn’t prepared for that response. You want someone broke?”
“No. It’s complicated.”
“So it seems. Let me get this straight. You don’t want to date him because he’s rich?”
“When you say it like that, it sounds stupid,” Brooke stated.
“Yes it does. Glad you realize that. So what do you have against people with money?”
“I don’t have anything against people with money; I just don’t want to date them. Love has nothing to do with material things. Money clutters it up, and when it’s gone, sometimes you find there’s nothing left.”
“I can see your point. So you’d rather have nothing, so you can’t lose it?”
“No, but my love is not for sale.” She’d received many expensive gifts over the years. They meant nothing to her, because they’d been no effort for the guy to obtain. It would’ve meant more for someone to put a quarter in a gumball machine and win a cheap plastic ring for her. Same sentiment, but it wasn’t about showing off. I don’t need bling. I need heart.