Page 97 of The Billionaire's Charade (The Blank Check 2)
She didn’t need to tell Janet that Gareth kissed her. It wasn’t like a real kiss. Well it was a real kiss but not one that . . . Hell, it was so a real kiss. It might have been brief, but her entire body ached for more. She didn’t understand why he’d kissed her.
It was stupid to overthink it, but that seemed to be what women did best. Women thought too much and men thought too little. Gareth probably hadn’t given it a second thought after he left her yesterday. Of course he was off meeting with the big boss. She really hoped it went well for him. Gareth seemed like an okay guy, minus the fact that he wasn’t exactly reliable. Maybe just on dates but with business he’s spot on.
She laughed to herself. When she thought about him, the only steel she was thinking about were his abs. And biceps. And pecs. Damn he’s solid. Through that T-shirt he’d worn, she could see every muscle flex. It was hot in the sun, and she almost suggested he take it off, but that would only make it hotter for her.
Had it been that long? Was that why every time she bumped into Gareth, she found herself horny? That wasn’t like her at all. She did enjoy sex, very much, but she wasn’t one whose blood pumped with something as simple as a peck on the lips. Yet Gareth had accomplished that. Maybe that was why she opted to dress a bit differently this time.
Taking one last look in the mirror, she knew he wasn’t going to be prepared for her. She’d taken the time to straighten her long dark hair so it shined like silk. He’d never seen her with makeup either. Not that she wore much, but enough mascara to make her eyes pop and a hint of lipstick to entice. She only had one dress, a form-fitting black one that fell off her shoulders. With matching stilettos she felt pretty, but with the black strapless bra and thong she felt sexy as sin.
Gareth called and said they were going to dinner off the resort. Since she’d never been anywhere but New Hope, she had no idea what to expect. So she dressed up instead of dressing down. Hopefully she nailed it. She’d know soon as she headed to meet him in the lobby.
She took the elevator, and when the door opened another employee got inside too. He looked at her and asked, “Brooke?”
“Yes. It’s me,” she replied. By the look on his face, the change was significant. This was the way she dressed back home. There was always some event or occasion that required dressing up. But it was expected at home. Here all she needed was her waitress uniform and shorts for when she was off the clock.
“You look . . . different,” he stammered.
“Thank you.” Brooke hoped he’d meant it as a compliment.
When the doors opened and she stepped out, she strutted out with confidence. There was only one head she wanted to turn, but really, what woman complained about turning more than one?
She held her breath as she turned the corner where Gareth should be waiting for her. Would he find her attractive too? She hoped so. This was all for him. When she arrived in the lobby, his back was to her, and she could tell he was on the phone. So much for a grand entrance. She could step back around the corner and try again, but why bother? She didn’t believe in forcing things. If he was meant to see her and be blown away, he’d have been looking in her direction.
Brooke made her way to him and tapped him on the shoulder. Gareth, with the phone to his ear, turned. His eyes roamed over her, head to toe, nice and slow.
“Dylan, I’ve got to go. Something’s come up.” Gareth didn’t seem to wait for a response as he slipped his phone into his pocket. “I’m sorry miss, but I’m waiting for someone. Don’t know if you’ve seen her. She’s a waitress here by the name of Brooke.”
Since he was wearing a suit jacket, she had chosen well. Brooke smiled and stepped closer. “Would you rather I go and change?”
He shook his head. “I thought you were beautiful the first time I saw you, but this dress . . . well it makes me want to skip dinner and . . .”
“Oh no you don’t. You promised me you wouldn’t cancel again,” Brook warned.
“I’m sorry. I guess the blood flow to my brain was temporarily interrupted.” He gave her a playful wink then added, “Dinner it is. Maybe I should’ve been clear as to where we’re going.”
“Anywhere is fine with me. I’m looking forward to leaving the resort for a while.” And being with you.
“Then you’ll enjoy where we are going.”
“Good. I love surprises,” she said.
“Really? I hate them,” Gareth said then added, “because they never are as good as you look.”
She blushed slightly, which was funny. Brooke wasn’t one who blushed easily. Was it the way he looked at her? Or maybe what he said? More likely it was her own thoughts, as she was tempted to tell him they could skip dinner because dessert was so much sweeter. They hadn’t known each other long enough to even think about . . . sex. Yet, it was as though he was eating her up with his eyes, and her body betrayed her, wanting more.
The night was young and she wasn’t about to waste the opportunity to see someplace besides New Hope. And although her body might disagree, she wasn’t ready to take the next step with Gareth. She was still trying to figure him out. Realistically, he’d probably be gone before she did.
She wasn’t going to think about him leaving, not when they had a lovely night ahead of them. Brooke could live in the moment, and this was one she didn’t want to miss. Hopefully he has a romantic dinner for two planned. Someplace private, with a view.
“Gareth, I hope standing in the lobby wasn’t the plan,” she teased.
He laughed. “No. But once again, I’m blaming you. You really took my breath away when I turned around.”
Nailed it.“Thank you,” she smiled sweetly. “It feels nice to have a reason to dress up.” She tapped her foot lightly and added, “Which, by the way, is the hint for us to go, because I’m famished.”
He laughed. “Oh, don’t worry, I picked up on it.” With a wicked grin he added, “And before you ask, it wasn’t the sound of your growling stomach that gave it away.”