Page 89 of The Billionaire's Charade (The Blank Check 2)
“I think Mommy has been reading to you again,” Alex said.
“No. I learned that at school.”
Alex turned to Gareth and explained, “We have a pre-school here now. She will tell you she has no one to play with, but there are plenty of children her age she gets to play with.”
“But that’s only two times a week,” Charisa pouted.
“Yes. And tomorrow is school. So why don’t you tell Mr. Lawson thank you for coming to dinner and give Daddy a kiss.”
“Okay, Mommy.” She walked around the table and stuck her hand out to Gareth to shake. “Don’t forget to bring your pot of gold next time.”
He bit back laughter. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Then she hugged Alex and kissed him. “I love you, Daddy.”
“I love you too, pumpkin.”
Ziva scooped Nikko up in one arm and took Charisa by the hand. “Good night, gentlemen.”
“Good night. Thank you again for dinner,” Gareth said.
“You’re welcome any time.”
When they were alone Alex turned to him and said, “She means it. Our door is always open.”
Gareth leaned back in his seat and said, “Thank you. But . . . why? You don’t know me from a hole in the wall.”
“I know enough,” Alex said.
Cocked brow, Gareth asked, “Care to enlighten me?”
Alex leaned his elbows on the table. “Do you really think I’d have you in my home without knowing everything there is to know first?”
Like why I’m here?“And why do you care to know that?”
“For the same reason you want to know all about us, cousin.” Gareth fought to keep a poker face and didn’t acknowledge their relationship. Alex continued, “It’s late and I have staff meetings tomorrow. But if you’d like, we can sit and talk.”
“About anything specific?” Gareth asked.
“Depends on the questions you have. I can’t promise I have all the answers, but I’ll have some. Now if you don’t mind, I’ll have my driver take you back to the resort. I try to read a story to Charisa each night.”
“Not one of yours I hope,” Gareth teased.
“Ziva won’t even read those,” Alex laughed. “Let me see you out.”
It wasn’t long before Gareth was back at the resort, standing on his balcony. Brooke wasn’t joking. He could hear the karaoke party going on from there. It was a good thing singing wasn’t their day jobs, because it was comical, and a bit painful, to listen to. But he enjoyed hearing how much fun they were having.
Gareth was one of the Lawson men who went out frequently. But this was a different type of fun. It reminded him of his younger days when they would all vacation as a family. Charles, being the oldest, didn’t always get to go. He was stuck working with their father. But the rest of the guys would do stupid shit and laugh until their ribs hurt. Gareth didn’t want to be a kid again, but he had to admit he missed that carefree feeling. Life was so simple then. Ignorance is bliss. But I can’t forget what I know.
That type of stress made him feel one hundred instead of thirty-three. If they weren’t careful, they were going to end up just like their father. Old and beaten down by the world. That’s not going to happen. Not to me and not to any of them.
He really hoped coming here wasn’t actually doing more damage than good. At first he’d only thought about protecting the Lawsons. After dinner, knowing Alex knew, he no longer could look at the Hendersons as anything other than . . . family.
Gareth walked back into his room and closed the glass sliding doors to the balcony. He walked over to his laptop and turned it on. His mind was filled with questions, and he was left with only one fact. Dinner just changed everything.