Page 76 of The Billionaire's Charade (The Blank Check 2)
Rosslyn said, “My money is on Mama.”
Dylan wasn’t sure who was right. It didn’t matter. The only thing he wanted was for Sofia to be well. “Either way, you should be sitting down and resting.”
Sofia said, “Dylan, I’m not pregnant.”
“Yes you are,” Maria said.
Dylan bent over and scooped Sofia into his arms. “Although I appreciate medical science, I’ve learned a lot over the last few months. First, your mother is never wrong and secondly, you’d make an amazing mother.”
Sofia wrapped her arms around his neck and said, “And you a superb father.”
Maria exclaimed, “And I’m going to be a Nonna.”
The entire room cheered again.
This might not have been anything that Dylan had planned, but somehow it was exactly what he wanted. When the charade was over, he was left with the one thing he couldn’t live without. The woman he loves.
He carried her over to the couch and set her down. Her cell phone rang and she pulled it out of her purse.
“It’s the hospital,” Sofia said showing him the number.
“Answer it. It has to be important.” They never would call on a Friday night.
“Hello. Yes this is Sofia. What did you say? Wait a moment could you repeat that?” she pressed the button putting it on speaker phone. “There was a malfunction with the testing equipment. We reran your blood work and it appears that you are pregnant. The test returned positive.”
“I’m having a baby,” Sofia said.
“Yes ma’am you are. Congratulations.”
“Thank you for calling.” Sofia ended the call and said, “I guess it’s a real good thing I turned down that offer and accepted yours instead.”
“You better believe it. Why play a wife and mother in a movie when you can live it right here with someone who loves you?”
“And what’s best of all, there’s no acting required. I love you Dylan.”
“I love you too Sofia.” Dylan placed a hand on her stomach and added, “And you too little one.”
Dylan was used to getting what he wanted, and his plans never failed. But today, he couldn’t be happier that they had because having Sofia by his side, making a family with the woman he loves, that was what he wanted all along. It just took him longer to realize it. But everything was clear now. His dream, no their dreams, were coming true.
The End