Page 73 of The Billionaire's Charade (The Blank Check 2)
“What do you mean?” she asked.
He laughed. “You guys sucked at acting so you had to go for the real thing. Bet he never saw that coming. Of course you know who did?”
Mama.“Well I’m calling you for some advice.”
“Or whether or not you should take that movie deal?” Sal said.
Her eyes widened. “How did you know?” She had just learned of it and hadn’t said a word to anyone.
“Charlene told me.”
“Charlene? How did she know?” Sofia was confused.
“Dylan told her. She told me. Guess she helped get things in order. You know, make sure you were free for dinner and stuff like that. I really don’t know what she does. After a few minutes, I stop listening, if you know what I mean.”
She did. So Dylan really wanted her to take this role. If not, he’d never would’ve reached out to Charlene for help. This made things even harder. Now how was she going to tell him she turned it down?
“Does Mama know too?” She crossed her fingers and waited.
“No. Charlene has been using me as her confidant in all this. Just so you know, I don’t want to be your replacement in her life. Maybe you can visit her more often before she drives me nuts.”
If there weren’t a million things running through her mind already, she’d have some witty comebacks for him. But she needed to stay focused on her and Dylan at the moment.
“Sal, can you please do me a favor?”
“For you sis, anything.”
“Don’t tell anyone about the movie deal.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it. I leave the gossip to you ladies,” he teased.
“You’re lucky you’re not here or I’d…” hug you for being the best brother ever.
“So you off to deliver the big news to Dylan?” Sal asked.
Even though he had set it all up, Sofia knew he’d be at home waiting to hear all about it. “I am.”
“So what did you call me for? You never said.”
And she wasn’t about to any longer. “Just to say hi. And that I miss you. And love you.”
“I love you too sis. And really, I’m very happy for you. It seems like everything you wanted is at your fingertips. That doesn’t happen often in life.”
“No it doesn’t.” For Sofia, it wasn’t the movie, it was finding Dylan.
She ended the call and told the driver to take her home. Sofia didn’t need flowers or a gift. It wasn’t about romance right now. It was what was in her heart and telling him that she loved him was the best she could give him. Since I’m jobless, it really is all I got right now. Hopefully he’d understand that she appreciated all he’s done, it’s just that she had changed.
The ding announced the private elevator was coming up. That meant Sofia would be home any second now. He had everything set up perfectly. The food looked fantastic, the flowers smelled great and it was time to celebrate. Unfortunately there was a part of him that didn’t want to. Even when he left her with Paully Jones, it was as though they were parting ways. It was ridiculous because they could continue with their relationship, even from a distance. It just wouldn’t be the same. And for once in his life, he was…content.
Dylan had always been searching for more. With Sofia, he had it all, what was left to want? She was the one that made this apartment a home. Without her here, it’d feel so…empty. He didn’t want to go back to the way things were before. Why would you when you held a piece of heaven in your hands. Letting it go only hurt even more. But it was for the best, for her at least.
Remember, this is all about Sofia. Because he loved her so much, no way could he stand in her way and not let her be all she dreamt of being.
The room was quiet and he looked around. Everyone also knew the moment was coming. Soon the doors would open and she’d come out. Everyone would shout their cheers and she’d be swept up in all the excitement. Charlene did an amazing job with making sure everything was perfect while he brought Sofia for the meeting. And of course her parents had insisted on cooking the food and bringing it with them. He was glad they had. Sal seemed to be in deep conversation with Charles, but old friends needed to catch up when they could. It was perfect. The entire Lawson family was in attendance and the Marciano’s as well. Hell, even their new friends Peggy and John came up for the big announcement.
He took a deep breath as he saw the doors begin to open. The moment she stepped out and into the apartment everyone shouted, “Congratulations!”
Sofia stopped cold in her tracks and had the deer in the headlights look. Dylan walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Surprise,” he said softly.