Page 61 of The Billionaire's Charade (The Blank Check 2)
Bacon?That wasn’t a smell Dylan was used to waking up to. He knew there wasn’t any in his house, so how the hell could it be possible? It couldn’t, which meant sadly, he was still sleeping. It was a damn good dream though, Sofia cooking him breakfast and delivering it to him in bed. Of course, she would be naked when she brought him his tray. No matter how good the food smelled, he’d rather have her for breakfast.
Rolling over onto his back, he stretched and noticed the soft body that had been next to him wasn’t there. Odd that he’d miss it after only being together for one night. But when he did eventually succumb to sleep, it was probably the best he’d had in a long time. Holding her in his arms, Sofia cuddled up against him, lightly snoring, almost like a purr in his ear. It was something he easily could get used to.
“If you don’t get up, you’re going to be late.”
He lifted his head to see Sofia standing in the doorway dressed for the day. How the hell did she pull that off without him noticing? Maybe it’d been the lack of sleep for days that had wiped him out. But at least he had plenty of energy for what was important last night. And I’m hoping for a replay this morning.
“What’s that smell?” he asked.
“Did you have it delivered?” Dylan asked.
She smiled and said, “No, I cooked it.”
That had his attention. He sat up and leaned against the headboard. “I have to admit, you surprise me in many ways, but cooking what we don’t have, well, that’s a trick I wasn’t prepared for.”
“Don’t worry. I didn’t wave a magic wand or blink and make it all appear.”
“Then please, tell me the secret to getting such wonderful-smelling food here without leaving the building.”
Sofia leaned against the doorjamb, arms crossed, and said, “Easy, I asked your neighbors if I could borrow some. By the way, I promised to pick up a replacement on the way back tonight.”
Dylan stared at her. There’s no way he’d heard correctly. “You did what exactly?”
“I went down a floor, knocked on the doors, Peggy and John, very nice people by the way. And I asked if they had any breakfast items I could borrow. They hooked me up nicely, too. I have eggs, juice, toast, and that heavenly smell is—”
“Bacon,” Dylan added. He didn’t even know who lived in the building, and he’d been there for five years. One night and she was already knocking on doors?
“I can’t believe you did that,” he said.
“What did you expect me to do? I was hungry and the only thing you had besides coffee and alcohol, was a package of cookies.”
He watched her hold up two chocolate cookies with white cream centers, then pop them both in her mouth.
“I can’t believe you did that,” Dylan said.
She chewed her food then said, “Borrow from your neighbors?”
“That too. But I meant fit those two cookies in your mouth like that. You’re so…tiny.”
She smirked. “I had no problem fitting you last night.” Then she gave him a playful wink and his body instantly reacted.
Don’t I know it.
“Sofia, if you keep this up, neither of us is making it to work today,” he warned. Not that he cared. Grayson Corp. really didn’t need him, and Rosslyn, although she was supposed to be on maternity leave, was still responding to all emails.
“Oh, I’m not missing my first day.”
“I’m the boss, remember? We can go when we want,” Dylan said.
“And that means you should be prompt, now if you want that breakfast, you’re going to have to get up and get it,” Sofia teased.
“Cracking the whip, are you?”
Sofia said, “Oh, sounds kinky, but if you want I’ll—”