Page 6 of The Billionaire's Charade (The Blank Check 2)
“I can’t believe you did that,” Charlene said. “If your parents find out they’ll—”
“They won’t. Not unless you tell them. No one knows,” Sofia whispered. She couldn’t believe she was even taking the risk and telling her best friend. Although she and Charlene had known each other since childhood, there was always a chance her mama could get it out of her. Mama had a way of knowing things, even when it was impossible. Just don’t let her find out about this.
“Well, since she is still upset about your little dinner episode, you might get lucky,” Charlene teased.
“And you know this how?” Sofia asked.
“Because I went there for breakfast and when I asked about you, I swore there was a scowl on her face.”
“It wasn’t my fault. Some guy knocked me over,” Sofia defended.
“I think it was your disappearing act that followed that has her perturbed.”
Should it surprise her that her father failed to mention he sent her home? Not really. If her mother was upset, her father would do like any wise soul, and duck and cover. Her mother was the sweetest, most loving and generous person, until she was mad. Then…well it was good she spewed it all in Italian, otherwise some people might be shocked.
“I’m sure it will be okay, since I’m going in early today to cover someone else’s shift.”
Charlene laughed. “Yeah so instead of eight hours of being in earshot, you now will be there twelve. Good luck with that.”
With a heavy sigh, Sofia grumbled, “Why did I call you?”
“Because only a best friend wouldn’t sugar coat it. Hey don’t worry. It’s going to be so busy today, neither of you are going to have time to do anything but work.”
“It’s Tuesday. It’s our slow day.”
“Not today. Guess after you left someone booked a large dinner party. Get ready. It’s going to be a long day.”
Overly busy right now was a good thing. “Mama didn’t happen to mention who they were, did she?”
“All she said was friends of Sal’s.”
Her brother had a lot of friends. It came with being a cop in New York. He seemed to know just about everyone. “Is Sal going to be there?”
“Hey, there is your silver lining. He’s not. And your mama was saying that she hadn’t seen him in almost two weeks. If things start to get heated, just bring up his name.”
“Charlene, you’re horrible. I thought you liked my brother?” Sometimes a bit too much. A lot of Sofia’s friends had a crush on Sal, but Charlene never really seemed to get over hers. But Sal wasn’t the settle-down type of guy, and she didn’t want any of her friends, definitely not her best friend, hooking up with him.
“I was over that years ago,” Charlene said, not convincingly at all.
“Good. But I can’t throw him under the bus. I might need him. How am I going to explain to my parents that I can’t work the night shift any longer? The rehearsals are going to be at seven. Charlene, I can’t pass this up, but mama is going to be so…disappointed.” Pissed was more like it.
“Emily, the girl you’re covering for, might be interested in switching.”
“She needs money and let’s be real, the tips are better at night. If you’re really that good of an actress, then you’ll think of a way to sell her on it. And if you can’t, then maybe the restaurant is going to be your life after all.”
The hell it is.“Thanks Charlene. You’re a genius.”
“Yeah. I know. You can pay me with a piece of your mama’s cheesecake later.”
“I thought you were there earlier?” Sofia asked.
“I was.”
“And you didn’t have any then?”