Page 127 of The Billionaire's Charade (The Blank Check 2)
Gareth almost choked. “Seth? She would eat him alive. He’s never dated anyone like her. She’s . . . bold.”
“That’s one way of putting it.”
“I’m glad she didn’t say my name,” Gareth said.
“Nope. She said you’re already in love. Just too dumb to know it.” Gareth shot him a warning look and Charles added, “Rosslyn’s words, not mine.”
Rosslyn fit very nicely into the family. He could almost picture her saying that to Charles.
Good for you, Charles. You found someone who can tolerate your arrogant ass.He thought he had as well.
Good thing I don’t do relationships, or losing her would really suck.
Gareth was glad Charles had come over to talk. He’d been on the fence about what to do, and now he knew. He needed to go back to Tabiq. There was unfinished business there. But letting Charles know would have to wait until tomorrow. Gareth had already distanced himself enough from Dylan’s wedding. He wasn’t about to blow the rest off.
“What do you say we head over there so I can give my toast before Charlene does hers.”
“Are you worrying about hers topping yours?”
“No. But once she starts talking, it never ends. I figured I’d get mine in before they leave for their honeymoon.” Gareth laughed. It was a good note to end the conversation with. One that does not have the focus on me.
Brooke was home and packed, but she knew she couldn’t follow her parents to Panama. Like always, she’d visit, but that was it. To her father it was going home, but for her, Panama was only a vague memory.
So she did something she’d never done before, taken on a job without thoroughly researching every aspect. It had the similar feel to New Hope, just different people and a different location.
It didn’t take her long to realize the driving force behind the place. Money. There wasn’t any respect for the staff, and respect for the guests only took place face to face. Behind their backs, they slammed them all. It was a gossip fest, and she was sickened by it all.
After working there for one week, Brooke was forced to quit. She couldn’t work with people like that. So she moved on to another place. It was better, but not by much. She couldn’t stay there either. At the rate she was leaving jobs, she’d be lucky if anyone would hire her. Her spotless résumé was going to look like it had the chickenpox.
Brooke always had a place. If she wanted, she could check into a hotel and stay there until she figured things out. But she knew the issue. Nothing felt right because of how she’d left things in Tabiq. She needed to go back and face her demons. Or at least finish her contract.
Picking up the phone, she dialed Janet’s number. Of course Janet wasn’t the one who’d be able to make the final decision, but Janet could give her an idea of what to expect when she decided to call Alex.
“Brooke, I was hoping I’d hear from you. How have you been?” Janet asked.
“Good. But I still feel awful about not completing my assignment. What do you think Alex would say if I offered to come back?” That sounded a bit arrogant as though she was important. So she corrected herself. “I mean asked if he’d take me back. I’m sure he’s already filled that spot, but maybe something else opened.”
“You’re right, the position was filled a few days after you left. There aren’t any openings as far as I know, but then again, I’m not the big boss. I would say give him a call. The worst that happens is he says no.”
That was exactly what she was afraid of. It’d be so much easier calling Ziva, but she had to follow the rules. Alex was a part owner with his brothers. Although she knew if Ziva asked, he never would refuse her.
“I can give him a call next.”
“You might want to wait a few days. There is a big family reunion or something happening here right now. All the Hendersons are here with their families.”
That was definitely not something she wanted to interrupt. When she was there a month ago, she didn’t recall hearing anything about that. For all the Hendersons to be there, it had to be a big event. She normally wasn’t such a curious person, but she asked anyway.
“Do you know why they are all there?”
“Nicolas, Brice’s oldest is turning ten tomorrow. They are all here to celebrate. I would’ve thought it was easier for Ziva and Alex to travel back to the States, but what do I know? The Hendersons all do things differently than most.”
If she hadn’t left, she’d be there right now, probably serving the entire family. Brooke had met many of them when they traveled to Tabiq, but they normally didn’t bring their children. She had no idea why she was becoming fond of them, but she was.
“I bet Charisa is loving it. She finally will have kids to play dollies with.” That didn’t mean Charisa would let Brooke off the hook next time.
“So where are you now?” Janet asked.
“I’m . . . going home for a few days. Then if things work out, Tabiq will be my next stop.”