Page 125 of The Billionaire's Charade (The Blank Check 2)
If one more person asked Gareth if he needed anything or how he was feeling, he was going to knock them on their ass. The doctor gave him the all clear, all he needed to do was some physical therapy to work the muscles in his back and he’d be good as new.
Maybe not exactly like new, but not the broken man he was a few weeks ago. He never thought a dumb infection would be what almost took him out.
Maria walked over to him and said, “Do you have the rings?”
“I do.” He patted his breast pocket to confirm.
“And your boutonnière. Where is your boutonnière?”
He couldn’t bring himself to wear it or admit why. The gardenia was always going to remind him of Brooke. “I’m allergic to it.”
“You are? You’re not sneezing,” Maria stated.
“No. Makes me feel tight in the chest.” Because the one person I could picture myself with walked away when I needed her most. When he woke from the coma to find she was gone, it hurt more than the recovery process. He’d been tempted to call her, but what was the point? The scars on his back would only act as a constant reminder of probably one of the most horrific times of her life. If that was what she needed so she could be happy, he wouldn’t try to stop her.
Maria said, “This is your brother’s wedding. Look happy.”
It wasn’t a suggestion. He forced a smile and said, “This is my happy face. Count yourself lucky that Dylan is marrying your daughter instead of mine.”
Maria scurried off muttering something in Italian. That was easy. If only the rest of the night could be so easy. Part of him wished Dylan and Sofia had kept their original wedding date. But Dylan wasn’t hearing it. He insisted they would only get married once Gareth was well enough to act as best man.
He was happy for them, but all this talk of love and their future and children was more than he could handle right now. The doctors said it could take time to sort things out. That sometimes when you wake from a coma, your emotions are off. You have a hard time telling what is real from what was part of your thoughts while you were under. But his gut told him she was there, calling his name, telling him to be strong and to fight. At the same time, that same voice promised him she would be there. And Brooke isn’t here.
This was merely one night to get through, then he could go back to his apartment, the place where he seemed to spend most of his time lately. The last time he’d been out for what was supposed to be fun had been the sad excuse for a bachelor party. It had been an utter failure. Instead of Vegas like he’d wanted, they all sat around talking about the Hendersons and Tabiq. What part didn’t they get? He’d told them what he’d learned from Alex, nothing held back, at least nothing that was any of their business. Brooke was off limits, not that they’d asked.
Sofia’s parents had closed their restaurant and turned it into a wedding venue. It wasn’t the large wedding Maria had wanted for her daughter, but it was what Sofia and Dylan asked for. Just family and close friends. With everything that had gone on over the past month, it still was more than he wanted to see. But there was no getting out of it. The music started, the cue for everyone to take their seats. All except Gareth and Charlene, Sofia’s best friend.
As they stood on each side of the floral arbor, Gareth closed his eyes. Dylan walked down the makeshift aisle and leaned over, “Are you okay?”
Gareth nodded. “Just listening to the music.”
Dylan shook his head. “If classical is your thing now, I better talk to that doctor for you.”
Keep the mood light. Keep it happy.It was the best gift he could give Dylan.
Dylan took his spot and turned around. The music changed and Sofia appeared, dressed in her white gown and holding on to Filippo’s arm. She looked beautiful. As she walked down the aisle, it was as though no one was in the room except Dylan, as it should be. This was their moment, and no one in the room could doubt their love.
Gareth stood and only half listened to what the judge was saying. But when it came to their vows, Gareth shuddered.
Dylan said, “I promise to always be there. Trust me, if you fall, just take my hand, and I’ll catch you.”
Take my hand. Trust me. I’ve got you.He could hear Brooke cry out, feel her fear, but she’d trusted him.
Help me. I need you.The voices said again. But the question was always the same: Where was she?
Gareth couldn’t concentrate on their union, as he couldn’t stop thinking about Brooke. Was she okay? Had she moved on to her next job like she had wanted? Did her near-death experience leave her rattled? Was it affecting her life, like it was his?
Gareth wasn’t living in fear, but it had changed him. He used to live for the moment. Actually he remembered telling Brooke to do the same thing. His life had been full, and he’d been happy. But now he felt as though he was missing something, and that something was her.
Sofia had asked him if there was anyone he wanted to bring to the wedding. The only person he’d have even considered bringing to a family function was Brooke. But the last thing he wanted for her was his family asking a bunch of questions about the accident, and they would because he wouldn’t answer them. He told them the only thing that was important, it was only an accident, no one had intentionally, tried to kill him or Brooke. That had been a very real concern of his. That his digging into Tabiq, somehow had put Brooke in danger. Risking his life had been one thing, one he’d do again if he’d still gotten the result he did. But he’d never wanted Brooke to be caught up in any of that shit. Thankfully it really had been nothing more than faulty brake lines.
But people wanted to know exactly how he’d been hurt? Hell, he wasn’t exactly sure himself. He could only assume that when he held on to the post and pulled Brooke up, he’d been so worried about saving her, that he never noticed the splintered wood digging into his shoulder. He was lucky. It could’ve been much worst. We might not have made it. Even now, when he closed his eyes, he could see the fear on her face. Hear her plead with him not to let her go. If he struggled with the nightmares, he could only imagine what she was going through. He wanted to believe it was over for her. And if it was, Gareth wasn’t going to be the one to bring it all back.
It’s bad enough one of us lives with it.
“You may now kiss your bride,” the judge announced.