Page 108 of The Billionaire's Charade (The Blank Check 2)
Brooke wasn’t surprised when she received the text message from Gareth needing to delay their dinner date. Everyone at the resort knew there was a major project going on in the kitchen. Somehow she knew Gareth was there, working with the others. It made sense. He was friends with Alex. And that is what friends do.
But that didn’t mean she wasn’t disappointed that they weren’t having their night together. Gareth’s time on the island seemed to be going by so quickly. If she wasn’t careful he’d be gone and she wouldn’t have seen him again. It really sucked, but what could she do? If she went to the kitchen, she’d only be in the way. She didn’t know how to shut the water off, never mind fix the problem.
Sitting in her room waiting to hear from him wasn’t her style either. If he was working, he was probably hungry. The other kitchen, the one they used for outdoor events, was still functional. She could easily slip inside and make him a sandwich and take him a cold drink. The longer she thought about it, the better the idea sounded.
So she slipped on her sandals and headed out to the event kitchen. There was very limited staff on at night, mostly for room service orders. But she knew where most everything was. When she opened the fridge her first thought was make something simple, like peanut butter and jelly. But then she noticed lobster, grilled with garlic butter, sitting there like it was calling her name. Tabiq had the most amazing seafood and Gareth seemed to enjoy it.
Might as well do it right.
She cracked the shell and pulled out the sweet pieces of meat. Then she grabbed a large roll, sliced it and loaded it up with butter. Slapping in on the hot grill, she waited until it was toasty brown. Taking it off, she slathered it again with butter, which melted immediately. Then she carefully laid out each piece of lobster in the long roll. Brooke had to admit, it looked as good as when the chefs made it.
She placed it on the tray with a bottle of water and headed back toward the main kitchen. Once she was close she could hear the banging of tools. Brooke peered inside the doorway and right away Alex saw her.
“Be careful if you come inside,” he called out. She looked around, still holding the tray, and stepped inside. Alex walked over and said, “That looks amazing. But I’m guessing you didn’t bring it for me.”
She hadn’t planned that very well. How could she make something for Gareth and not think of the others? Simple. I was only thinking of him. “I’d be happy to go and make you one too.”
“That’s okay. Ziva delivered something for me to eat earlier. Guess you ladies think alike. Keep your men well fed.”
He’s not my man.“I figured he wouldn’t stop to eat.” She looked around but didn’t see Gareth anywhere. “He doesn’t seem to be here right now. Maybe someone else would like the sandwich.”
“Don’t you dare,” Gareth’s voice boomed from behind her. “I step out for one minute and you’d give my dinner away?”
She turned to him to defend her actions but was met by a huge grin and then a brief kiss on the lips. Brooke was so stunned she almost dropped the tray. Not great for someone who viewed themselves as a top-notch waitress. Quickly she steadied the tray, which was easier than steadying her nerves. What was Gareth thinking kissing her like that in front of Alex? And it wasn’t just Alex either. There were other men working in the kitchen.
She looked around, but no one seemed fazed by the interaction between them. That didn’t mean it was right. Brooke handed him the tray and said, “I thought you might need something to eat.”
He took the tray and asked, “Where is yours?”
“I only made one for you.” And that was one too many.
“Come and sit with me. We can share this one,” Gareth said as he ushered her to the side of the room where no one was working.
Once alone, she said, “I didn’t come here to eat. Just to make sure you did.”
He smiled. “Thank you, but I have a feeling you haven’t eaten either, am I right?” She nodded reluctantly. He picked up the sandwich and tore it in half. “I cut, you choose.”
“What?” She looked at him holding both pieces.
“Sorry. I forgot you are an only child. It’s the only way we ever shared anything equally. One cut and the other got to pick first. So you never took more than your share.”
“I would think with all the money the Lawson family has, there would be plenty to go around.”
“There was, but my mother taught us it didn’t matter how much you had. And by doing it this way, it’d always keep us honest.”
She cocked her head. “Did it work?”
He held up the sandwiches and asked, “You tell me.”
Brooke took a closer look at each half. “I think she taught you well.” Then she graciously took the one on the left, leaving him the one on the right. “But I have no idea how you expect to split that bottle of water,” she teased.
“That might be more difficult.”
“Then I suggest you drink it. Since you’ve been working all day, you need to stay hydrated,” Brooke stated.
“And you haven’t worked?” he asked.