Page 7 of The Billionaire's Rival (The Blank Check 1)
He should’ve seen it coming. Seth was always riding Charles’s ass for being so tough on Dylan. What Seth didn’t get was Charles was tough on everyone. Dylan wasn’t singled out. The difference was Dylan pushed back more than the others.
He understood why. Dylan wanted to run Lawson Steel. Charles figured one day he probably would. The guy had some brilliant ideas. What he lacked was patience and how to play the game. It was like poker. If they know you have shit for cards, you lose. But keep them guessing, let them win a few, and only then when the stakes are high, do you go all in and take it all.
That’s exactly what he was doing tonight with Grayson. Charles knew Maxwell had been monitoring him so he made sure he spoke to people who meant nothing to him. He’d already met with Gareth earlier and knew exactly who he wanted as his interns and the deal was already on the table.
Not showing tonight and playing the game would’ve tipped his hand. By the time Maxwell figured it out, Charles would’ve snagged the top candidates right out from under him. A small victory, but sweet, nonetheless.
And that’s what happens, Maxwell, when you’re all caught up in beautiful women instead of your business.
Charles had to admit, he would’ve been equally off his game if she’d accompanied him. Difference was he wouldn’t have gone home alone. What was the point of Maxwell giving her a makeover and then shutting it down? At least the money he slipped you hadn’t been wasted. She looked…amazing. Not that he wanted to admit he noticed. But it was hard not to. Hell, it was hard not to have noticed her when he saw her the first time in the restaurant.
Was it possible she was one of those ladies for hire who was eye candy only and nothing more? It would explain her refusal for him to give her a lift.
There were several high-priced call girls, but they were well known. This woman wasn’t one of the regulars. Where did you find her, Maxwell?
As if Charles would ever consider hiring someone for the night. If he wanted a date, all he needed to do was pick up the phone. There were plenty of women who wanted his attention. Of course, he wasn’t interested in giving them any.
So why did this woman catch his eye? What was different about her? It wasn’t because she’d been with Maxwell. Unfortunately the guy was a piece a shit and not only in business. It was well known he ran around on his wife. The Grayson family might be his competition, but only because they didn’t play by the rules. What they couldn’t get, they bought. And I can’t imagine you having that woman any other way.
Why did he care? The only time he and Maxwell bumped into each other was at those types of events. They were expected to show up to give a speech and encourage the youth that hard work and perseverance could make your dreams come true. He’d given the talk so many times even he didn’t believe it any longer. What no one ever mentioned was the word luck.
Luck was a key component in the equation. Charles wasn’t stupid. He knew he was lucky to have been born into his legacy. If not, would he be where he was now? Absolutely not. Hell, he wasn’t sure if he would’ve been interested in building the tallest buildings in the world.
Everyone knew the penthouse was the place to be in a building. And that’s where he lived. But he’d like a place to hide away. Something small. A neighborhood where people actually talked and cared about each other.
Sure he knew people in his building, but they were all superficial. He knew their dogs’ names more than he did their children’s names.
Yes, that was the life he was born to live. He couldn’t help but wonder if she was born into that lifestyle as well. Charles couldn’t picture a girl growing up and hoping one day she could become an escort. Someone with her looks should be a model.
Charles could never be with one of those either. Models loved the spotlight, and he hated it. No one really cared how you were doing, just what would sell. Since his life was strictly business, the tabloids left him alone. As his brothers told him on many occasions, he was too boring to make news. That was a good thing. Who the hell wanted strangers following them around snapping pictures and assuming they knew shit.
Although Charles did want to make the news, and hopefully it wouldn’t take long. Things were falling into place. He just needed to stay focused and not let anything fuck it up.
Hell, maybe I should’ve asked for her number. I could’ve hired her to distract Maxwell more often.He laughed to himself and wondered if Gareth knew who she was. He hadn’t said anything when they first saw her at The Choice. That was unlike Gareth. Usually he was the one with the snappy remarks.
It didn’t matter. Charles didn’t need her help to bring Maxwell to his knees. He had his brothers to help accomplish that. When they were done with Grayson Corp, Maxwell would be lucky if he could get a job cleaning the buildings, never mind building them.
This rivalry had been going on long before Charles had taken over. It started when his father ran the company. A contract had been signed and approved. They were in the process of building when the inspectors showed up and found inadequate materials being used. It was only on one part of the building, a part his father swore they hadn’t started working on. Everything about it looked like Lawson Steel had been set up.
The contract had been canceled and a new one had been signed with Grayson Corp. It was all too convenient. Maxwell had just taken over leadership of the company and obviously was willing to do anything to make a name for himself. As far as Charles was concerned, that name was asshole, and even then, that was being nice.
Charles was fortunate. He might have taken over as CEO, but he hadn’t been thrown in like Maxwell. Grayson Corp was run and controlled by the eldest son. When he died, it all passed to his oldest son. That eliminated any need to compete among the siblings, but it also made a very select few power hungry.
Maxwell wielded a lot of power in New York City and around the world as well. Charles could easily have fought fire with fire, but he wasn’t willing to stoop to his level. His father had been frank with him when he took over. He told him to think like an architect. You build them strong to last forever, but place explosives properly and it will implode onto itself.
That’s exactly what Charles had planned. Not actually explosives, but let Maxwell’s questionable dealings appear all at once. He’d be spinning, trying to figure out which one to cover up first, and his empire would unravel right before his eyes.
The only reason Lawson Steel stayed in business after that one incident was an impeccable reputation. Charles, with Gareth’s help, had compiled so much shit on Maxwell the Feds might be interested in reviewing the file.
I just wish it was my father who was delivering the blow. But better late than never.
Since Maxwell didn’t have any children and his marriage was a joke, there was nothing to hold Charles back from moving forward on this.
Once Maxwell was out of the picture, Lawson Steel would be back on top, where it belonged.